Embracing the Season

Recently, we traveled north to Center Harbor, New Hampshire in the middle of winter. The town sits on the edge of Lake Winnipesaukee, which was completely frozen and snow covered. This time of year the lake more closely resembles a huge field than the large body of water it is. 

As I hiked through the quiet woods, I decided to connect more deeply with the trail and land I  was trudging through and ask the snowy woods what they wanted to say if they could speak. This is both a meditative and creative exercise and one that often gives me inspiration to write and a sense of ease and acceptance of the ‘now moment.’

I decided I wanted to share this with you in hopes that it may inspire you to find your own sense of peace and understanding during any season.

A Message from the Snowy Woods:

Breathe. Be. Drop into the stillness with us. This is the time to ground into your legs and send your energy into the earth for safe keeping and rejuvenation. This is a stillpoint of sorts. A time to pull energy and focus inward to nurture the seeds to be planted in the early spring. By planting seeds, universal intelligence on the quantum level, is called forth. The unseen smallest particles of light/photons spark and ignite life in the dark stillness. Then this bundle of potential life force coalesces into form and bursts forth with early green shoots when the sun’s rays climb higher in the sky. Purpose is born.

Draw in. Gather. Focus. Hold. Wait. Sink into the vast well of creative energy potential. All of life’s creatures thrive when given a goal or intention. Happily anticipate what you may create in the spring.


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