We are all familiar with the concept of code-driven computers, automated devices and pretty much everything in our modern world. So, have you ever given thought to the fact that code or algorithms are behind EVERYTHING, even organic things, in creation. Codes create the unfolding of a rose, the rotation of the earth and the way a human egg divides in order to create a new human life.

Morphing Energetic Frequencies/Cosmic Coding

Those of you who are sensitive, may have noticed changes in the way your body, mind and energy flows and interacts with your surroundings and the planetary elements with which you connect.Your meditation journeys and intuitive experiences may be changing, expanding and revealing things to you that seem beyond comprehension.

Similarly, you may be noticing are the changes to the energy in our universe, solar system, sun, our planet and our bodies. These changes are a conversion or cosmic upgrade to our energetic architecture or codes. Changes that are happening are referred to as Krystal Code activations and reincryptions, and they are initiating the following changes:

1. from a base 10 system to a base 12 architectural code system – 12 Tree Grid  comprised of 12 dimensional spheres;

2. from a Bi-Wave (positive/negative) system to a Tri-wave or neutral association – think Zero Point and Unity Consciousness, which includes the horizontals, verticals and diagonals;

3. from Lunar based codes to  Solar Coding generating  Krystal plasma spirals and solar elemental frequencies;

4. and introducing Female/Male Planetary electro-magnetic energies reclaiming grids and ley lines, and corrected flowering plasma in our chakras.

These programming variations may make it possible to create unlimited free energy systems in the future as well as heal our body/mind/soul system which all could lead to a more peaceful and compassionate world. This sounds fantastic and perhaps unrealistic but I do believe it could be a real possibility some day.

What are Krystal Algorithms? 

Krystal Algorithms are organic base 12 creator codes which spiral outward from the zero point of creation. As we learned above, Krystal spirals act as a divine creative and corrective force where ever they are applied and the possess the potential to create a perpetual life giving and promoting energy which acts to unify polarities. So one could say the Krystal codes or spirals initiate a trinity effect – taking us from the divisiveness of polar systems into the unity consciousness of a trinity or inner/outer balance. In addition, they begin from the zero point and return back there again and again, creating continuous energy feedback loops.

The Diamond Sun is actually the original 12 Strand DNA template for the those who are awakening. It creates a new base 12 tree grid silicate matrix (formerly the base 10 tree of life). Many mystery schools in the past have used the base 10 Tree of Life (Fibonacci Spiral) as a blueprint of dimensional structure in our duality based system.

Many yoga practitioners and long time body workers come to me complaining that they have ‘hit a wall’ with their meditations, practices and life. They can no longer ‘fix’ things in their lives with their current ‘practices’. When I introduce them to the 12D shield which is calling forth the mechanics and code of the Krystal spiral, they report breakthroughs and deep levels of healing. Click here for the 12D shield meditation video.


For the past 20,000 + years much of our world has been based upon four major principles: (1) the base 10 tree of life, (2) bi-wave frequencies – polarity or duality, (3) a lunar based energy spiral, and, (4) ‘male’ electromagnetic planetary energy grids. Due to several factors that have been unfolding for the last 20 years we are now finding ourselves interfacing, sharing space and converting to organic cosmic creator/source codes.

Evidence of these changes will become more noticeable as we shift timelines from the 3rd dimensional space into the 5th and higher dimensional spaces, especially for those who are spiritually awakening and connecting with soul identities and lightbody aspects unfolding by the Diamond Sun activations. Many of us who have been on the spiritual path have found that suddenly our Reiki, yoga, meditation and other practices are not as powerful as they used to be, or they just stopped working all together.

Already we have seen a drastic increase in solar flares, coronal mass ejections from the sun and a drastic increase in Schumann’s Resonance readings, from the normal 7.83 Hz (since the 1950’s) to the mid 30’s and 40’s with spikes that have hit as high as 70 Hz. These waves affect and reflect the combined activity of the earth and human consciousness as recorded in the ionispheric cavity of the planet.

from https://schumann-resonance.earth/

What is the Difference between Krystal Spirals and Fibonacci Spirals – Infinite or Finite

Since I’m not a mathematician, and my role is to present information that is coming through from my sessions and the information from those who have a deeper grasp of universal energetic architecture, I will attempt to explain this to you as simply as possible. Remember, take what serves you and let go of what doesn’t.

The Krystal architecture is self-generating and continuous and flows like this:  0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, etc. It is said that it is a base 12 system originating from the intended 12 Strand DNA silicate matrix, also known as the Diamond Sun DNA. You’ll note that it begins at Zero – the Zero Point of all creation.

It’s like the Fibonacci spiral but links continually back to itself:  0 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 = 64 and 64 = 64 x 1 = 32 x 2 = 16 x 4 = 8 x 8 each number in the sequence is connected to the previous ones. It spirals infinitely, exponentially and continuiously.

The Fibonacci sequence is finite and  reads as: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, etc. It doesn not cycle back to the origin or zero-point. Each subsequent number is the sum of the 2 previous numbers. So in a sense, the prior numbers are consumed.

We can compare the two systems with the burning of wood for energy versus a form of continuous free energy. Our world is an example of many finite structures and their continuous break-down or decay.

Think basic physics where the law of entropy applies. 

Entropy is the progression of change that occurs in a closed system.

Structures break down, ice melts, paint peels, organic matter decomposes. Any homeowner would tell you that their primary battle is to fight the constant entropy or the breaking and falling apart of things in and around the home. In addition, our world is full of examples of this: roads and bridges fall apart, our constant consumption and the resulting trash, the continuous need for fuel, etc. 

The Krystal Spiral sounds like magical thinking, but is it really?

Think Nilola Tesla and others who have tried and succeeded in tapping into the inherent energy within our planet. Some historians and archeologists claim that all of the pyramids around the globe actually functioned as giant energy transmitters. Makes you think, right?

From Lisa Renee: “When the life force energy is drawn back into the source field, through the trinitized geometries, the feedback loop of reciprocal source light is generated and expanded. Our goal during the new paradigm is to create the tri-tone (neutral) field. This draws the composite energy back into the zero point, through a feedback loop of energy, back into the source of all creation. The trinity field creates an eternal and perpetual supply of life force that regenerates the bodies by restoring the energy loss, and eventually expanding consciousness. The Krystal Spiral has the potential to dissolve artificial structures that have attached or enmeshed with our Lightbody from other lifetimes, due to trauma histories and alien hybridization coding. It recollects and reorganizes spiritual body parts, while returning obsolete energies back to be reabsorbed in the Cosmic Mother’s womb.”

So, I will leave this up to you. What do you think?

As always, please take what resonates with you and leave the rest. Keep your mind and your heart open and trust your own inner knowing.

Blessings of freedom, sovereignty and infinite love,

