Kaye is the founder and steward of Diamond Light Matrix Therapy and a compassionate witness to those who find themselves on the spiritual awakening path.

Kaye has dedicated her life to the process of awakening, as an understanding guide, performing energetic adjustments where needed to heal traumas on all dimensional levels. She has more than 25 years of experience teaching yoga/meditation and practicing Energy Medicine and Mind-Body Therapies. She helps her clients and students to heal and break through challenges, inspiring them to awaken to their own higher consciousness and remember who they are on the deepest level.

I learned the incredibly effective technique of cueing the physical body systems and muscle testing portions of my sessions, from Lisa Semle, a true master. She combined aspects of Judith Swack’s work with JMT therapy and added her own twist which greatly sped up the healing process. 

I added the multidimensional aspect to my work after encountering the brilliant ascension work of Lisa Renee and Energetic Synthesis and Mhairi & Sequoia from OmniLov3.com. I am extremely grateful for their incredible insights and generosity in sharing their knowledge and wisdom – true Unity consciousness in action.

The Diamond Light frequency came to me sometime in 2017 as a result of many years of dedicated meditation and my deep desire to serve humanity and awakening consciousness.”

Writing history…Kaye’s novel “Return of the Heroine”, is an inspirational story of the legacy of heroism intertwining with the empowerment of a modern woman, was winner of an Honorable Mention in the Writer’s Digest Writing Competition, and a finalist in the Hay-House Visions Fiction Writing Competition.

Currently, Kaye is active working with anyone seeking healing, spiritual growth or self-discovery through Diamond Light Matrix Therapy, Cranio-Sacral Therapy and Kundalini Yoga & Meditation. On the writing side of things Kaye also ignites inspiration and creativity through her inspirational writing and blogging.

“From my earliest years adventure, travel and exploring cutting edge ideas has been the defining aspect of my journey.

My writing journey began when I published a story about my oldest son in the 2009 Chicken Soup for the Soul-Power Moms, and the 2012 Chicken Soup for Stay at Home Moms.

The inspiration for my novel, Return of the Heroine, came from my experience as a cadet at West Point a number of years ago. While walking down a flight of stairs in the tower section of one of the fortress-like buildings on the base at West Point, I spontaneously felt as though I slipped into another time – like an overlay, experiencing both times at once. It seemed as though I was walking down a spiral staircase in a castle tower and the guards at my side were escorting me to my death.  I felt as though I bridged a link through time and connected with the struggles of one of the most important spiritual heroines in history, Joan of Arc.  It was quite unsettling at the time but served–like many intense experiences do–as a moment of spiritual awakening. This is where I received the idea for my novel which links the unique struggles of Joan of Arc, as a female military leader, with those of modern woman today.

I began meditating in 1992 and quickly became hooked on finding methods to feel better and raise my consciousness. My yoga and meditation training, energy medicine training, and spiritual seeking took me to India, Hawaii, New Mexico, Sedona, France, Costa Rica and Scotland. I’ve experienced sweat lodges, fire-walking, shamanic journeys and even a little military training, all to explore positive and harmonious ways to heal myself and others.

My life to date has been very rich with experiences along the entire spectrum – wonderful and challenging. I’ve had intensely blissful enlightened experiences and equally intense medical trauma, emotional trauma and loss.

Within one particular year, between 2012 and 2013, I went through several challenges and losses at once and found I needed to recreate my entire life. Through that experience I utilized a number of yogic, energetic and meditative tools to move forward in a more self-regulated state and acquired a new job as a marketing manager at an investment banking firm – a brief but necessary pause in my yogic and energy medicine work.

Now, my journey finds me in a new location, central Massachusetts, doing body and energy work with clients, guiding, healing  and watching with wonder as the more and more souls are awakening across the globe.

What I’ve learned: Life is  a canvas-like map which contains our spiritual curriculum and the progressive framework in which we will work and learn in this life-time. You may paint on it or go anywhere you like, because all of it will be relevant to your curriculum and your unique spiritual agenda. My role is to help you to heal all of those aspects within your multi-dimensional self (with grace and a little more joy) and complete the curriculum your soul/higher-self created so you may integrate all of those higher aspects of you waiting in the wings and ascend to the next level within your present life, spiritually and across time.”


Kaye Michelle Pezzini  CST, RYT500, is also a Cranio-Sacral Therapist and trained yoga Instructor and with certifications in Kundalini Yoga, Brain Gym, Cranio-Sacral Therapy’s 1 & 2, SER, and other mindfulness and meditative training programs located in the US and India. Kaye was the founder and former Director of Franklin Yoga & Wellness. She studied directly under Yogi Bhajan, Sharon Salzberg, Brian Weiss, Judith Swack, Ann Greene, Todd Norian, Seane Corn, and Gurumukh, and attended workshops with the Dalai Lama, Byron Katie, Marianne Williamson, Baron Baptiste, Carolyn Myss, Esther Hicks-Abraham, and Amma. She has led private groups and clients through a number of stress reduction programs, workshops and ongoing classes. Kaye brings nearly 20 years of teaching and bodywork experience to her Diamond Light Matrix Therapy Sessions.

Kaye wants you to be the hero or heroine of your own story. . . “I believe everyone is more powerful than they think they are and that most anything can be healed. Helping people experience their own infinity fills me with great joy.”

Kaye’s has been trained and/or certified in the following:

  • Diamond Light Matrix Therapy Founder/Teacher
  • RYT 500 – Yoga Alliance
  • IAHP Teaching Assistant – Upledger Institute – CranioSacral Therapy
  • HeartMath Institute Certified Mentor/Coach for Building Personal Resilience
  • Judith Swack’s HBLU, Level 1 and Approach for Eliminating Hidden Patterns of Suffering, Levels 1 and 2
  • Member of Energetic Synthesis
  • Past Life Regression Training with Brian Weiss
  • Kundalini Yoga & Meditaion, Level I & II
  • CranioSacral Therapy, Level I & II, Somato Emotional Release I & II
  • Healing from the Core, Basics of Energy Dynamics, Advanced, Full-Body Presence
  • Sat Nam Rasayan Meditative Healing – Level 2
  • Loving Kindness Meditation with Sharon Salzberg
  • Warriors at Ease – PTSD Relief for Returning Soldiers
  • Brain Gym – Educational Kinesiology
  • Touch for Health
  • Anusara Advanced Yoga Training for Teachers with Todd Norian & Ann Greene
  • Melchizedek Method
  • Reiki Master/Teacher
  • Magnified Healing
  • Advanced Meditation, Oneness University, India
Kaye is insured by Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Co for Yoga Teaching, Energy and Body Work.

Please drop me a note or call me at (508) 918-9488.
