Awakening to the Avatar Inside
Ascension is no longer an obscure phenomenon happening to crimson-draped Tibetan monks or cliff-dwelling yogis in India. People from all walks of life are experiencing varying degrees of intense awakening. I would classify intense awakening as a host of biological, neurological, emotional, mental and energetic changes coupled with a marked shift in belief systems and/or life choices. As of now approximately 4% of the planet’s population has been tapped and tasked to be the first wave of those to process through this planetary and cosmic ascension cycle.
This soul-directed goal is the connection and integration of the Avatar self. For those of us tasked to be the first awake, this process can be quite the roller-coaster ride. This process is more of a calling not an external goal. The transformation is not catalyzed by our human aspect or the thinking mind. It is generated from our soul’s blueprint in our DNA and triggered by cosmic energies. In other words it is not generated from the mind or mind-directed. Neither is it logical.
Avatar is defined as unity consciousness or a term used to describe a level of awakening to the higher self in dimensions 10, 11 and 12, also known as the 4th harmonic triad. One is considered an Avatar if she/he has connected with and integrated these 4th triad soul levels.
Awakening happens to those souls who answered the call to help our suffering planet and her inhabitants. For some, this has been a journey that stretches across eons. Finally, it seems, we have reached a critical mass in combination with the cosmic completion cycle. It is a challenging path to be sure. One that is met with much resistance from our own pre-programmed internal structures, and even more external sources – those of society, peers, government, etc.
Much is written about the negative side effects and symptoms so I thought I’d share some of the positive with you here. While the path may be challenging, the benefits of following inner guidance and allowing spiritual expansion enable you to experience a profound sense of completion and fulfillment. After all what’s better than fulfilling your soul’s mission?
Many of us can relate to this feeling that an alarm clock has gone off in our body; we can feel that there’s something to do, but we don’t know what it is. Yet it’s really important to be clear that we need to relax, and really what our job is at this particular time is to really stay in the present moment of our awareness and to discipline by clearing any fear and negativity patterns, or karmic and ancestral patterns etc. As we go through this process of evolution it’s really important to not worry and to go at our own pace; what’s more important than anything is to maintain a sense of neutrality. Energetic Synthesis Introductory Handbook, Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis Website
The experience is one of complete wonder. It takes the slowing down of the hustle-bustle pace of everyday life to notice what’s going on within you. If you allow yourself time to sit and meditate on stillness, you can feel, sense or know that there is a force other than your mind, the beating of your heart or the rumblings of digestion, pulsing through your body and energy field.
Some measure of stillness is required to observe this process. You may have strange sensations when you are sleeping or dreams that are out of the ordinary. You are, in fact, clearing out eons of unprocessed experiences, purging negative energies while at the same time absorbing higher aspects of your soul and adjusting to higher frequency cosmic vibrations. Again, no easy task.
While reading Delores Cannon’s Convoluted Universe, Book V, I came across a conversation she has with one of her clients and felt that it hit the nail on the head for me. Delores is an extremely experienced hypnotherapist and over a 40 year period worked has worked with thousands of people.
Her hypnotherapy/regression sessions tend to take people into a significant event either in a past-life or future-life. In this particular session her client, Taylor, shares his experience in ‘another realm’ which seemed to him to be somewhat like a village in Polynesia. This excerpt sums up how awakening ‘feels’ in a beautiful way, so I thought I’d share it here in a post. Link to Delores Cannon’s website.
Experiencing Being in Total Energy
Excerpt: Delores Cannon, Convoluted Universe – Book V
D = Delores; T = her client Taylor
Taylor has been led into a state of hypnosis by Delores.
D: Explain what you mean.
T: I think I’m seeking . . . I’m seeking my soul. And I’m beginning to ask, “What is this?” I’m looking deeper at life. I’ve been a very physical man and strong, capable, so now I’m going to look. I felt very good about my life. And I’m at peace. I’m content. Very good life and I’m over joyed. I’m complete in my life. Now I’m going to look “inside.”
D: You feel that’s the next step?
T: It’s naturally calling to me. Yes…It’s communicating back, “I’m all around you. I am your very being. I’m within all things. I’m the substance of creation, moving everywhere and everyone. I’m the spirit that moves through all things. This is another quality of what things are made of. And you’ve listened to my call. I’m the source of your life.” I’m feeling I’m going beyond myself.
D: That’s a good thing isn’t it? If that’s what you want?
T: To go beyond is the only way to trust. Something beyond me knows what it is doing and I don’t need to know. That’s all I have to do, is trust and open….I don’t need to do anything. It’s just happening.
D: But does it want you to have this information to help your village?
T: Yes, it’s asking me to want to unfold into this…unfold within this awakening…So to trust it and have a relationship with it and be blasted wide open into infinity. And to learn with it when I let go. I will embody it when it is communicating with me and I will be able to hold it. And I will walk amongst the people and they will know…I don’t feel I need to make them change. There’s more and they can know more if they choose…by me opening the Creator relationship now we can go further, by the choice of each person on their own choosing. We are shifts. We are going to this new place…
And this is one of those moments where the whole game changes and you go, “Oh, My God!” This is always the way it is. There’s more. There’s always more, always. We don’t even need to do anything. It comes to us. It calls us….It’s like a lamp within a human being. It glows outward.”
D: Are the majority doing this, or can you tell?
T: Some of them are still dark…No, and it’s not going to happen to all of them.
Like Taylor says, it’s about trust. It’s about dropping deep within yourself, beneath the superficial layers of life and cultivating that relationship. Trust develops. Discernment becomes the key to your joyful progress and the embodiment of your Avatar. If you sense something is not right for you but continue in that direction and meet with challenges and suffering, you begin to learn that you KNEW or had a sense before and the difficulty could have been avoided. That’s good though. The wisdom is within everyone. We are all learning through trial and error. The good thing is . . . we ARE learning. We are learning and growing and making tremendous strides in consciousness. We are learning to trust ourselves and connect with others in a manner which is beyond anything we’ve ever done – unity consciousness.
Wishing you many blessings and love on your path!
In loving gratitude…Kaye