Astral travel, or projecting one’s consciousness into another reality, has become popular these days – especially for younger people. Astral travel is also known as An Out of Body Experience, Astral Projection, or Soul’s Ascension Journey. Other words associated with this practice can be remote viewing, bi-location or translocation, extra-sensory perception, higher sensory experience and even a visualization or guided journey. All of these entail the ability to project your ‘inner mind’s eye’ somewhere else. This all sounds like a sci-fi movie, right?

Nope, it really isn’t science fiction it is the bi-product of genetics, chemistry, and electromagnetic energy signals. The reason why genetics are important is because your DNA holds codes to your soul’s blueprint. You can develop soul gifts by cultivating them and building them just like you build muscles.

Your subconscious mind may also dictate the level of experience you may have when you project your conscious mind into an unknown place. This is why my suggestion would be to start out slow at first. Notice how your nervous system handles each journey. If you feel positive, keep going. If you begin to feel that some weird things are happening in your life or you feel as though you are having emotional spin-outs then try a different pathway.

If you have a history of trauma or abuse be careful. Start with breathing techniques and simple guided visualizations.

What is the Astral Plane?

Technically, the Astral plane is the first level or layer of your soul body and the correlates to the 4th chakra. It is the first of the unseen dimensions, as dimensions 1-3 create our form. Think about a dot being one dimensional, and line being 2 dimensional and a cube being 3 dimensional. Our physical form exists on 3 planes in space, and we move within three axis – think geometry – X, Y and Z. In yoga, a forward/backward flex is X, a twisting movement is Y, and a side bend is Z. 

We experience life as a time-line – with a beginning and an end. But beyond 3D they say there is no time; everything existing at the same time.

When we move our conscious awareness to outside of our body with our mind. We can step out of time and the limits of our 3D mind. The first layer of that area ‘outside of us’ is the 4th or Astral dimension.

But . . . and this is a mind bender . . . you can only have the experience of AT by having a body with a nervous system.

The healthier your physical body is the more expanded your spiritual experiences can be.

Those who are providing humanity with many spiritual insights and wisdom are all gleaning this knowledge through connection to much higher levels of consciousness – the 5th dimension and beyond. We have beings on the planet experiencing universal ascension levels which are beyond the 12th dimension. They are experiencing this with their eyes open through true physical body Gnosis – or Knowledge. That is, they feel and experience everything within their physical body NOT through the mind’s eye.

To deepen your astral travel experiences

Focus on getting your expanded consciousness into your physical body – your bones, your muscles and every cell. Contrary to what you may think, bringing more awareness into your body helps it to heal, harmonize, and integrate all of your systems. Body awareness greatly improves your nervous systems ability to absorb life and all of its challenges.

And, this may seem counter intuitive, but getting more of your soul’s conscious awareness into your physical body will help you to have spontaneous spiritual experiences that go beyond anything you would experience in the Astral. You are, in a sense, re-calibrating your nervous system to read electromagnetic energy and light codes and programming your mind to interpret what you are seeing.

When playing with advanced energies you may want to adopt a habit of practicing energetic hygiene and protection. Check out my posts on 12D shielding and Energetic Hygiene.

Why stop at the 4th floor when you can go to the top floor

As I said above, the Astral plane is the 4th dimension and relates to your 4th chakra. There are 12 sections to each dimension so at any given time you could be experiencing a joyful section one day (Astral Bliss) and a the next, due to some unresolved trauma, experience something negative. Again, as with anything, experiences can vary from person to person.

The current ascension plan includes the shift in consciousness from 3D to 5D or even higher. So if you are experiencing a high level consciousness when you travel, you could be visiting dimensions beyond what you thought would be possible. After all, you are a multidimensional being. You are a spiritual being having a human experience.

Questions to ask Yourself

  1. Does AT help me to feel better about my physical body, life and relationships?
  2. Am I getting healthier from ATing?
  3. Is the quality of my life, in general, improving since I began my AT practice?
  4. Am I using AT as an escape from my problems?

If the answer to the first 3 questions is YES than Astral Travel if helping you. If the answer to any of the first 3 questions is NO and you are using AT as an escape than you could be caught in a section of the astral realm that is negative or unhealthy. As with any spiritual practice we need to check in with our process continually. Oddly enough, sometimes too much of a good thing is NOT good.

Be safe. Begin in a group or with a trusted knowledgeable teacher. Chemical substances are not needed and may actually limit the level to which you travel. Your physical body will naturally create endorphins, while your pineal gland begins to secrete what is known to the yogis as amrita (nectar of the gods) which causes sunnia or a natural bliss state.

Have fun exploring the new boundaries of your infinite self.

Infinite love and blessings,

