Or, why can’t anyone fix me? If you are one of those people who have bounced from one healer to the next with high hopes only to find yourself slipping back into the same old suffering patterns, you are not alone. If this is happening to you or someone you know, you or they could have a hidden pattern blocking healing and growth. And it could be that you are so good at hiding the blocked event, pattern or phobia that even skilled healers will not pick up on it.

As a healer, I am dedicated to figuring out how to overcome these blocks for people so that they can lead their best life possible. There are times when I must dig and dig, then ask, and ask again what the hidden issue is. Most times it gets flushed out as a birth trauma with limited integration or a significant trauma with associated belief systems.

The following is a list of the more prevalent issues blocking lasting healing:

  • Lacking Self Love and Commitment to Self
  • Victim-Victimizer Programs from Collective Unconscious
  • Blocked Emotions
  • Phobia of an Emotion
  • Phobia to an Aspect of Life
  • Additional Soul(s)/Energies

“On the surface, an access phobia looks like resistance or denial. A person with trauma and blocked access to sadness may tell you both consciously and by muscle testing that s/he has no sadness associated with that trauma even though the facilitator can plainly see the sadness. The person answers this way because the phobic part of them says, “I’m afraid to go there; don’t even ask me.” People can have phobias to more than one emotion and more than one phobia blocking a single emotion.” Judith Swack

If you believe you have a block or two from above, take heart. My experience is that there is HOPE for you to break through them and heal. Absolutely.

It takes a little finesse, strategic clearing, and self commitment. Self commitment is one of the keys. It means committing to yourself to go the distance for you and your happiness, health and growth. Everyone who interacts with you will benefit. Contrary to how you may have been raised, self-care is NOT selfish; it’s self preserving.

Self Commitment/A Declaration of Intent

The importance of committing to your higher self with a loving commitment to your spiritual growth, it seems, is of utmost importance. Lately I have encountered a couple of situations where I was instructed to NOT conduct a session. These clients were both long standing clients. Both, however, are in life situations they find uncomfortable but finding it hard to break free and change their circumstances. My sense from a healer’s perspective, is that their decision making is being driven by a lack of self-care, self-love or the habit of living for others with disregard for themselves. In some cases their mental (conscious or subconscious) construct is founded upon a very solid seduction or sabotage pattern which will prevent anyone from helping them. Or, their decision making is driven from the negative aspects of Ego – fear, hopelessness, despair, self-loathing, controlling behaviors, anger, sadness, vanity – looking for praise or fame, a belief (from the subconscious) their soul is evil, etc.

This idea of self commitment is also tied to the law of consent in the sense that by failing to declare your intent to protect yourself or to act on your own behalf, you in fact allow yourself to be in compromising situations emotionally and physically, ie. staying in relationships or jobs for the wrong reason. Much of this behavior is somewhat hidden, originating from the painbody or subconscious mind.

Resolving Inner Authority Issues

Are you serving your inner being’s higher self or your ego? Declare to yourself your own worthiness to take loving care of yourself and be your own compassionate witness.

My Declaration of Intention is to serve my Source and my soul’s path. I commit to serve my Highest Power fully, completely, and totally. I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free.

My Declaration of Power, I rescind any and all vows, contracts or agreements made from of illusion, separation, disharmony, polarity or AI influence/duress. Please remove and clear all negative energies, cords of attachment, and any imposters blocking my self expression, freedom and sovereignty.

Self Care Time-Outs

“Most of us are not raised to actively encounter our destiny. We may not know that we have one. As children, we are seldom told we have a place in life that is uniquely ours alone. Instead, we are encouraged to believe that our life should somehow fulfill the expectations of others, that we will (or should) find our satisfactions as they have found theirs. Rather than being taught to ask ourselves who we are, we are schooled to ask others. We are, in effect, trained to listen to others’ versions of ourselves. We are brought up in our life as told to us by someone else! When we survey our lives, seeking to fulfill our creativity, we often see we had a dream that went glimmering because we believed, and those around us believed, that the dream was beyond our reach. Many of us would have been, or at least might have been, done, tried something, if…
If we had known who we really were.”
Julia Cameron

Taking some time for yourself is key to maintaining health, balance and creativity. One of my clients likes to treat herself to a Self-Care Saturday when she feels out of balance or worn down.

Take yourself out on a self-care date.

One of the practices I adopted several years ago was taking myself out of an ‘artist’s date.’ At the time I was working on boosting my creativity and was following the sage advice of Julia Cameron. She calls taking yourself out on a date that sparks your creativity, health and well-being, artist dates. These dates work wonders and I believe it has to do with the permission piece – in that we give ourselves permission to go out and cultivate something intrinsic within ourselves. It gives us permission to plumb our depths for meaning and value. Going for a massage or acupuncture session gives us time to get still and listen to our own inner voice. Going to a museum or for a walk on a nature trail broadens our mind. When we move our bodies we move our minds. When we move something with healthy intention, our life begins to take on a more enlivened note. If you want to change something in your life, change your mind first.

These little acts of self love begin to dissolve the inner barriers you may have to connecting to your own deep inner wisdom and understanding your own sub-conscious mind influences. Blocks dissolve and opportunities open. Life flows and flowers. Your higher aspects of soul and spirit connect, integrate and expand you to places you never thought possible.

Who knew that self-love and self-trust were so important to a happy and fulfilled life?!

As always my friends, please take what resonates and serves your greatest good and let the rest go. My posts are aimed at a few levels of spiritual growth so not every word I write may make sense or be true for you in the moment. You will notice that your Truth of what applies to ‘reality’ changes as you progress along the spiritual path.

Thank you for reading.

Wishing you many blessings…with infinite love,

