Disappointed by another Guru

This topic saddens me but speaks to the depth and breadth of this issue. I just opened my inbox and found a newsletter speaking to the sexual assault habits of yet another big-time yogic guru. WHAT! Literally thousands of yoga studios are founded on his system. He is not alone. Many of our inspiring gurus have fallen prey to this issue – world renowned healers and yogis who have shaped and greatly influenced many of our spiritual practices. It’s #METOO coming out in our spiritual communities.

These gurus have come in to be way showers and impart spiritual truths. My feeling is they succeeded in many cases. We need to remember this fact. The problem of negative ego, simply stated, is what got them in trouble. Their weak spot or knowledge of self, in terms of mental programming or true witness observer consciousness, and the truly powerful, yet still largely unknown, effect of shadow forces influenced them to act in ways that were in-congruent to the vary philosophy they were teaching. In a nut shell, they were hijacked by shadow elements, imposter spirits or false light.

For spiritual seekers there now exists a multitude of gurus -Youtube giants with hundreds of thousands of followers – yogis, shamans, astrologers, mindfulness gurus, channelers and the like. There are classes, workshops and retreats for every budget in all corners of the world. The question is, “Where do I start, who can I trust, and how do I know they are working with integrity or the ‘real’ thing?”

The good news is…even if you have had an experience of false light you still learned a tremendous amount for your soul’s growth.

If you have been on a spiritual path for any length of time you most likely have met with people who disappointed you, deceived you, or caused you harm in some manner. You may have absorbed, imprinted or integrated energies that are not in alignment with your highest path or sovereign self.

Again, remember that you probably needed to go through that experience so that you can understand those finer cues, discerning what ‘feels’ right and what ‘feels’ not right for you. Note that I didn’t use the word wrong because sometimes – often – our higher aspects send us through these learning curves to gain confidence and fine tune our intuitive knowing skills. This particular lesson is one of our most important lessons to learn!

Keeping a neutral head around this issue may be difficult but it is key to your mastery and deeper understanding the the process of awakening and ascension. Neutrality moves you forward with greater ease and swiftness. Don’t get me wrong – it’s totally natural to want to take some the experience personally but it will slow the healing process down – I know this from personal experience – ugh. This can be tricky. So approaching this experience with an empowered attitude instead of caving into victim programming is a big victory.

Signs of energetic, physical, mental or emotional interference: (Note: the ironic thing is – many of these symptoms are similar to some of our ascension symptoms. This is where knowledge of self is key.)

  • Feeling unanchored.
  • Feeling emotionally unstable.
  • Feeling hijacked.
  • Feeling unwell or having a sense of feeling poisoned – an over-arching yucky feeling.
  • You may even appear slightly different to yourself in the mirror in an unpleasant way.
  • Feel like you’ve been tagged energetically.
  • Feel like you have continual negative attachments or are energetically attacked on an ongoing basis.

Possible Experiences:

  • Inappropriate touching or a collapsing of healthy boundaries.
  • Attended experiential retreats where you are subject to extreme exposure and you were harmed – prolonged sweat lodges, unsafe practices during fire-walking etc.
  • Have heard your guru tell you he or she is special and that they are an ascended master or angelic being incarnated. Note: the truest masters are extremely humble – you are, at the very least, colleagues with this level of being.
  • If you have ever had to swear allegiance or state vows of alliance. This doesn’t include chanting mantras, etc.
  • If your group leader calls in any lower entities or conducts rituals that are satanic in nature.
  • If you have ever done rituals that curse or intend harm to others.
  • Akashic record clearing confusion- based upon my experience and information from trusted experts, the desire of our Avatar selves “is that we clear and dissolve its trauma effect upon our karmic record. Hence clear this “pattern” from my “Akashic Record”. You are stating you command its clearance from the record of ever existing in your holographic energy field across all time and space.” from Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis. It’s important to note that we are not clearing our entire Akashic Record. It’s our highest desire to keep all of the information learned but just remove all trauma programing.

What are Imposter Spirits?

In order to fully grasp the significance of Imposter Spirits, also known as False Light one needs to understand there is a war over consciousness and it is impacting every aspect of our daily lives. Evidence of this can be found everywhere you look -TV, internet, politics, global issues and social media. There are a myriad of tug of war games all aimed at gaining your attention, your clicks, your participation in order to get your to buy into a new political agenda, purchasing agenda, philosophical agenda, spiritual agenda. And, the list goes on.
Possible Imposter Spirits or False Light:
  • Fallen Angelics posing as Spirit Guides, Angels, etc.
  • False Archangel Michael, Jesus, Mary, etc.
  • Teachers/Gurus/Leaders getting hijacked by false light would suddenly become more fear and/or ego based and you may see a noticeable change or they no longer ‘feel’ right.
  • Teachers/Gurus/Leaders exhibiting any unkindness or extreme negative emotions.
  • Teachers/Gurus/Leaders who talk badly about others who have left the group.
  • Teachers/Gurus/Leaders saying they know what is wrong with you but are unwilling to help.
  • Getting yelled at or accused of doing something wrong.
  • Being told that you don’t have any power or sovereignty.

In some cases it’s a matter of clear discernment whether or not someone has crossed the line. Learning to differentiate between fear and your negative ego versus what is truly happening takes practice. For many people who experienced child abuse or harm, it is challenging to discern fear from the internal warning signals of an unsafe situation.

How to Clear Imposter Spirits

  1. Command your space. Don’t panic, you possess the ability to heal anything. “I am Divine, Sovereign and Free in full alignment with myself at Source.”
  2. Connect to your highest source of light.
  3. Intend that you will disconnect, remove, and cut any attachments to any beings or energies that are not in alignment with your Avatar/God/Source aspect of self.
  4. Command that any programs, imprints or mind traps be removed and healed.
  5. Clear and remove False Ascended Master Matrix and any holographic inserts, architecture or siphons.
  6. Re-align with your true path, in your sanctioned hologram.
  7. Intend this to go across all time.
  8. Express thanks and gratitude.

Other notes:

You may want to develop a method of asking questions to ascertain truth for you. Many people use manual muscle testing or pendulums. If you are using a pendulum be sure to protect your space and if you are asking your self questions be sure to designate the aspect of self you are speaking with. For example, just asking a question willy nilly will most likely engage your ego or mind aspect when you really want to find out what your Source or Avatar self desires or sanctions.

And, for many on this path, your truth could be different than your friend’s depending upon your mission. Sometimes we are meant to have these experiences because we are gathering intelligence or ‘intel’ so to speak. Remember we are ever learning, growing and reaching for higher and higher aspects of divine consciousness. Be gentle on yourself and others and be ever watchful of your own negative ego. Take what information moves you forward on your path and let the rest go.

Wishing you love, blessings and the eternal love and support of your ‘team’.

