… is the shifting from an ego defensive posture to one of loving protection. The shift is subtle but profound. I equate this with a feeling of a fully loving parent. This loving protection is both nurturing and shielding at the same time – a blend of the father and the mother energies.

They say 90% of ascension is about healing emotional wounds.

For a number of spiritually anchored people it’s challenging to see the world as chaotic as it is at this time. Wild fires, unrest in the middle east, human trafficking, strange weather, teen suicide and the list goes on. There is an undercurrent of negative energies that links to everything like mycelium in the forest floor – a network of roots – propagating and regenerating unseen.

In order to fully ascend through all 12 dimensional layers we must negotiate our own inner chaos first. We need to disconnect from the network of negativity in a manner that is complete and total. Gone are the days when we can just go to yoga class, meditate and ignore what’s happening. The universe needs you as an active participant. The negative programs need to be deleted, transmuted, removed or transited to source light.

There are a few ways to do this:

1. Become authentically neutral. That means you have truly handled all of your triggers and that the majority of your life is reflected back at you as relatively peaceful and loving. There are number of souls moving through the layers of ascension this way: Eckhart Tolle, Esther Hicks, Byron Katie to give you a few examples. I’m sure there are more. Dr. Joe Dispenza is taking people on this path via meditations and visualizations that take you to the Zero Point Field (creator universe). The method here is to remove your triggers so the negative programming atrophies and removes itself. This path can work for many people though may not be completely effective for some whose star family of origin is of certain lineages.

2. Clear Negative Energies and Programs. There are literally hundreds of programs, implants, imprints, negative energies that you could be up against. Please do not be discouraged. They tend to come up or surface in manageable doses. The more neutral you become the easier the episodes become. Literally, I have compiled an excel spreadsheet along with several word documents listing things I and others have found over the last several years.  (I’m creating an ebook for this and hope to have a link here shortly). Phone sessions and in-person sessions can make a significant improvement.

3. The Combo Method – Neutrality and Clearing Balanced with Personal Integrity. For many, and it depends upon your lineage, this journey requires a bit of all of the above coupled with a strong shielding practice. That means building your own energetic protection through verbal commands, visualization and learning to move energy with your intentions. I teach this to people all the time – we are wired for this!

For some Starseeds and Indigos there is a strong sense of being blocked, interfered with, cursed, dumped upon, etc. If this is you, then these sensations and experiences will point to the fact that you are meant to look at everything – that means no controlling or manipulating, no stealing, being true to your word, harmlessness in ALL ways, no addictions. The clearer your behaviors, the easier it will become to remove the negative energies and clear the negative programming.

Yes, it’s a tall order – monumental really. But you do have the technology within you! You have resources at your disposal. Ask. Explore. Trust in your higher self, your Avatar self. Pay attention. Get still and see what’s lying beneath the surface with curiosity.

Why can't I get over my past?

Or why am I emotionally triggered?

Healing those deeper, darker aspects of self is the only way to freedom and sovereignty. With each light code transmission upgrade deeper aspects arise to be seen, released and transmuted to light.

So why is it so hard?

It takes tremendous courage, commitment and strength to look at ourselves and the issues surfacing through a neutral lens. Through the process of ascension, the higher your consciousness resonance rate, the deeper you drop into your body. Those long-deep-buried aspects of your subconscious mind begin to float to the surface to be healed and integrated. Buddha believed that we can all find our way to freedom if we just make the effort.

In many ways your body is the sum total of the issues you experienced as a child, which in turn, sets up many of your core belief systems and behavioral programs throughout your life.

If you remember that it’s the task of the brain to make the mind correct. That means everything you believe, for the most part, comes true. If you have made any vows to self, your mind will see to it that you follow through. Yes, this fact can be extremely sobering. Further, the more conscious you become the more powerful your words become – good or not so good.Words’ also include thoughts. So, in short, anything going on in  your head is potential for the creation of your experience.

So if you find you are suffering and stuff is ‘coming up’ for you, you may need to reassess  the things you believe about yourself and your life – neutrally. Be diligent but not harsh. Be vigilant but not controlling. That means watchful, observing, kind. Take a “Wow, isn’t that interesting” approach when noticing something about yourself.


It’s through loving awareness and loving kindness of your interactions in all of your relationships, and all situations, as well as, the sensations generated which will point you in the right direction.

With a kind heart and soft eyes, turn your focus inward then . . .

  • Notice any spikes in emotional responses.
  • Notice the emotion generated.
  • Notice what happened.
  • Notice what someone said.
  • Notice the situation.
  • Notice your beliefs systems around the issue/event/person.
  • Notice repetitive thoughts.

Note how often this has happened to you. Look back throughout your life and look for patterns of repeating themes and situations or types of people that show up in your life.

Let the world around you be a mirror to your subconscious mind. If this causes inner panic, then focus on only one small thing at a time. Even baby steps move you forward.

When you see a repeated pattern, behavior, issue sit quietly and call forward your inner loving self – that mother-father or male-female protective nurturing aspect.


Then allow it, him, her – the feelings and sensations. Accept what has happened. This doesn’t mean you are condoning the event or behavior it just means you need to allow the event to pass through you to be processed and released. Digested, if you will.

The trick is to do this without creating greater attachment — by anchoring more neurons to the mental wound neural group wired to the event(s). That means allowing the emotions but don’t wallow in them. Allow the emotions with the intent of releasing them, not overly experiencing them. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Forgive God.


Step into your own loving heart energy as best you can. Your simple intent is enough. Call forward all spiritual aspects of self, your Avatar and God selves, and your guardian team. Ask for 100% healing from all trauma or injury related to this issue. Say to yourself:

“I willingly allow healing around this issue. I willingly choose to release this event. I release any negative cellular memory, any trapped negative emotions and any limiting beliefs or sabotaging habits I created around this issue. I send healing to all of my cells, my DNA and all of my energy bodies in all dimensions through time.”

Breathe. Allow the release. Express gratitude to your cadre of helpers and yourself.

Grow. Ascend.

Move forward from a place of self-love, self-protection (not defensiveness). Make choices that benefit your calling in life, your mission. If something or someone is causing you to be stuck, break out in a positive way. Set yourself free. Be your divine, free, sovereign self!

My friends…Within these messages you may find statements you completely resonate with and those you may not. Please take what serves your highest and best and let the rest go. It is your vigilant discernment about what’s best for you that will propel you forward in greater grace, harmony and unity.

With infinite love and respect,

