Scientific Evidence Validates Metaphysical Experience
Ascension geeks often attribute the ever-intensifying sensations they experience to an increase in energetic light codes flowing to and through Earth from the greater universe. We have been known to throw around a few Quantum Physics terms in an effort to explain this wild and, at times, inexplicable phenomenon. To anyone based in Newtonian thinking the ideas of an ever-expanding field of consciousness sounds like a bunch of hooey.
Most spiritual seekers, metaphysical practitioners, energy gurus and body-workers know that everything has a vibration — a tangible energy field that resonates at a certain frequency that applies to different types of organic matter — human flesh, rocks, trees, water…Each and every vibration or frequency carries information. We feel these things and ‘know’ they are REAL. Those of us who experience life this way often feel at odds with those who only relate to tangible or mechanistic aspects of our world. Ideas smacking of a metaphysical nature are suspect and considered ‘woo-woo’ or ‘out-there’ to anyone anchored in mainstream thinking,
That is…until now…There are intrepid groups of scientists — Quantum Physicists, Quantum Theorists, Theoretical Physicists, modern Astronomers, and Cosmologists — who have scientifically proven that everything in our world and universe has a vibration, an ever-changing energy field, and that empty space is teeming with pulsating life/consciousness. All things we meta-physicians have experienced in our meditations, workshops and body-work sessions. Even the Dalai Lama has written a book merging science with spirituality — The Universe in a Single Atom: the Convergence of Science and Spirituality.
These scientists have proven the existence of what they call the Zero Point Field. This field is the same as the metaphysician’s Vortex, the Force, Chi, the Field of all Possibilities and the Akashic Records. They have discovered that the smallest observable particle of matter is indeed 99.9% space and that the universe is pulsing with an unseen energy/matter that makes up 95% of the total universe. Science has indeed caught up with many of the oldest eastern philosophical texts.
2017 marked the 100-year anniversary of the publication of Einstein’s famous theory of relativity. Over the last century scientists from several different fields of study have been coming to similar conclusions about our universe and the smallest particles that comprise all matter on earth as well as within the cosmos.
In order to explain the nature of our solid world, the universe, and the space connecting it all, in a manner which also explains the cosmological and energetic sensations and events happening to us now, we need to take a look at the latest in scientific discoveries. In this blog I will touch briefly on Einstein’s theory of relativity and how it changed our views of everything. Then we’ll move on to Hubble’s Law and Theory of the Expanding Universe which will lead us to Quantum Physics, the Zero Point Field and Dark Energy.
So, I’m thrilled to say, here it is…actual concrete scientific data and research regarding the ever expanding Cosmos… aka Ascension.
Old Belief: Matter as Solid Particles
OLD Old Paradigm: In the beginning there was nothing and God Created it all, including light. Many religious systems believe the universe was created out of nothing by some all powerful force/deity.
Old Paradigm: In the beginning there was matter, thought and God, and all of these were separate. A mechanistic world view dominated science, modern medicine and biology.
1637 | Rene Descartes | “I think, therefore I am” philosophy Geometry and algebra point to a fixed and mechanistic view of physical world/matter. | God as separate from Science |
1686 | Sir Isaac Newton | 3 Laws of Motion – actions and reactions of physical world/matter prove all things are solid, predictable and defined. | God as separate from Science |
1859 | Charles Darwin | On the Origin of Species – natural selection of evolution in a defined, logical manner. | God as separate from Science |
These theories all pointed to a defined, solid, linear predictable, and non-religious progression or Newtonian view of all matter in our world and greater universe. Even Einstein was sure that the force of gravity was strong enough to cause galaxies to cluster together and halt, or at the very least, slow down expansion of the greater universe.
Until . . . A New Paradigm Begins with the Early Discoveries of Subatomic Particles by Max Planck and Niels Bohr. These subatomic particles can exist in many places at the same time.
It’s Not So Solid After All, and Emptiness Doesn’t Mean Nothing is Present
- Microcosm (Smallest Matter) . . .The advances in microscopic sciences gave us a glimpse of the atom with an electron that floats around its nucleus in a fashion that is changeable and random. The responsiveness and changeability of atoms by the power of mere observation is discovered. Quantum physics is born.
- Macrocosm (Largest/Universal Matter) . . . Scientists prove that the emptiness in space is not empty but teaming with a pulsing energy-a moving sea of light. New Cosmology and the Zero Point Field are defined further.
1911 | Max Planck, German Theoretical Physicist; Nobel Prize Winner in 1918 | Discovers Quanta – smallest aspect of particles | Finds that empty space is bursting with activity. Quantum Physics is born. | Gives us early evidence of energy fields. |
1917 | Albert Einstein | Theory of Relativity-helps point us in the direction of understanding that empty space isn’t really ’empty.’ | Ultimately creates a mathematical number, lambda, representing the part of the universe that isn’t static – in an effort to prove it was fixed. New Cosmological views arise. | He didn’t realize it but he found that mathematical representation for dark matter or the Zero Point Field -the indefinable portion of space in space or the universe. |
1922 | Niels Bohr | Founded Institute for Theoretical Physics in Denmark | Model of the atom – found that energy levels of electrons are discrete and can jump from one energy level (orbit) to another around the atomic nucleus when there is a source of energy added. Further explaining the minute details of Quantum Physics. | Illustrates that electrons respond to observation and are changeable pulsing energies not fixed. |
1927 | Werner Heisenberg, German Physicist | Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle of AtomsWave = EnergyParticle = Matter | Any attempt to measure precisely the velocity of a subatomic particle, such as an electron, will knock it about in an unpredictable way, so its position and velocity cannot be measured because the observer will influence the outcome. More details illustrating Quantum Physics. | Shows us the intimate connection in nature between particles and waves in the realm of subatomic dimensions. Atoms are both wave in theory and a particle when observed. Consciousness makes it a solid particle. |
1929 | Edwin Hubble and Hooker Telescope in California | Discover that the Universe is expanding | Aided by Vesto Slipher and Milton Humason, Hubble began studying the redshift (active spread) of distant galaxies. After a decade they were able to conclude that the universe is actually expanding, not static! New Cosmology & Zero Point Field. | Discover an unseen force in the universe causing an expansion. |
1998 | Hubble Telescope observations | Supernova Cosmology Project, discover that the Universe is expanding at accelerating rate | Observations of very distant supernovae that showed that a long time ago the universe was expanding more slowly than it is today. Instead of a slowing rate of expansion due to gravity, as scientists thought, it is accelerating. New Cosmology & Zero Point Field | Expanding/Accelerating power of universal dark energy/matter = increasing frequencies of ‘light’ and power of Zero Point Field pushing us to expand. |
1917 – Albert Einstein published his landmark paper on the Theory of Relativity, in which he used mathematics to prove that the universe was static. He had to create a cosmological constant, a mathematical representation, which he called lambda, in order to hold the universe in a static state. He believed that the universe was neither expanding nor contracting – that it was just existing in a constant state. He needed to create a constant number in order to offset the effects of what he thought was gravity. Without the constant number the finite universe would collapse into itself. The fact that he needed to create this number to hold the universe still, in fact, proved the opposite. Though he didn’t know it at the time, Einstein had found the mathematical representation of dark matter – the immeasurable and indefinable portion of space in space- the Zero Point Field.
Is it real or not? Is it a particle or a wave? Ha. . . it’s both.
How Quantum Physics Explains Spirituality and Ascension
The Macrocosm Influences the Microcosm (As Above, So Below)
Quantum Physics =The Microcosm . . .
Quantum physics/mechanics holds that all matter is 99.99% space. The main indisputable fact is that within the atom the electron circles randomly around the nucleus at a tremendous distance. Scientists have proven that the electron solidifies into form when observed, and that our attention and preconceived notions are what give it form. In fact, scientists claim that an atom is both a wave and a particle. The atom is a wave in theory within the field of all possibility. When the atom settles on being a thing, event or other, it becomes a definite particle. So “It’s all an illusion,” a phrase bandied about by energy gurus and most practicing ‘new agers,’ is indeed grounded in both quantum physics and the new cosmology (see below) and philosophical, eastern religious writings. The Buddhist theory of emptiness (shunyata) states that all things – material, matter, events, thoughts, even time – are ‘devoid of independent existence.’
New Cosmology = the Macrocosm . . .

All matter adds up to only 5% of the total universe. The advancement in telescope technology enabled Hubble to show us that the universe is not static but dynamic and expanding. Therefore, the ‘space’ in space is not empty but filled with a dynamic unseen potential. Mathematically, Einstein called this the cosmological constant—lambda. Contemporary cosmologists call this dark matter and have determined that this dark matter is what’s propelling the universe to expand. It turns out that roughly 68% of the universe is dark energy. Dark matter makes up about 27%. The rest – everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter – adds up to less than 5% of the universe. It’s this accelerating expansion which is causing our push towards and into ascension.
Dark Matter – Zero Point Field – Unified Field
Dark matter and the zero point field = ‘light’ and the field of possibilities.
I think Dr. Joe Dispenza sums up the concept of the Zero Point Field best in his book Becoming Supernatual:
“The quantum (or unified) field is an invisible field of energy and information–or you could say a field of intelligence or consciousness–that exists beyond space and time. Nothing physical or material exists there. It’s beyond anything you can perceive with your senses. This unified field of energy and information is what governs all the laws of nature.” For more information on the Zero Point Field please go to my blog post Users Guide to the Zero Point Field.
WooWoo Tech is Our Future
Super String theory tries to explain the nature of all existence by proving that there are multiple dimensions . . . at least 10 can be mathematically proven. “In addition to higher dimensions, there is another parallel universe predicted by string theory, and this is the ‘multiverse…One embarrassing feature of string theory is that there are trillions upon trillions of possible universes, each one compatible with relativity and the quantum theory.” From Michio Kaku’s book, Physics of the Impossible.
A small group of scientists believe that there must be a ‘cosmic consciousness’ within the Zero Point Field.
Our military has scientists working on perfecting remote viewing and other psychic phenomena using the Zero Point Field.
Quantum mechanics has enabled new branches of electronics:
- Nanotechnology — creates smaller and smaller computers, and electronic devices.
- Virtual Reality technology and devices.
- Artificial Intelligence which will become the norm in most factories, businesses and eventually homes.
Users Guide to the Zero Point Field
YES! You can access this field of energy by using your own conscious awareness. If you want to learn more about the Zero Point Field you can go to my post entitled Users Guide to the Zero Point Field. There, I will give you more information on the Field, share my methods of getting into the Field and more.
Thank you for reading!
Wishing you an abundance of blessings on your journey . . .