Becoming Inner Directed

The ability to be able to tell truth from mistruth is the new mental frontier. We are living in a time when we are literally bombarded with blatant lies and a barrage of half truths. The ultimate challenge for us now is to learn to sift through the dump-truck load of information that is coming to us every day.

You probably already know this, but at this time, it bears repeating: there is a way to discern truth from mistruth – YOUR OWN INNER BODY CHEMISTRY.

It is possible for us to understand what is true versus what is not true – also known as discernment or reading the energetic signature. We must learn to develop the ability to become our own guru and be inner directed our body is our inner dashboard with unique data read-outs. We just need to learn to understand the signals and signatures of that information. This data is given to us in the form of sensations, and by learning to interpret what we are receiving we are free to believe, or not, what is before us.

Your Inner Guru or Your Inner Dashboard

We are complicated bio computers – in which a bundle of chemical, magnetic and electrical signals are exchanged between many systems at lightning speeds. Studies focused on galvanic skin responses, the technology used in lie detectors, show that there are systems within the body that hold the ‘truth’ within our cells, regardless of what we are saying. If there is a discrepancy the body’s chemistry changes.

Being able to turn our focus on the body and learning to read these subtle responses and reflexes becomes a way of fully utilizing our inner resources.

Our inner dashboard is ever available to us, providing us with real-time, split-second feedback to ANY situation or thought.

Sensations – the Language of the Body

When we begin to turn one eye inward through the simple act of noticing the little, and sometimes not so little, signals the body is giving us, we have the ability to gather vast amounts of data. 

Possible signals may feel like:

  • a tightening of the gut
  • sudden heart rate shift
  • sweaty palms
  • a clenching of any body part
  • a quiet inner voice offering a warning or confirmation

The way to read these signals and interpret them accurately takes some practice.

  1. Establishing a regular baseline – in other words, how you feel when you are calm on a normal day.
  2. Notice what changes when you encounter different circumstances during the day.
  3. Practice by asking yourself questions that you know the answers to and notice what signals the body gives you when there is a positive answer versus a negative answer.
  4. Build your inner dashboard muscle by practicing this over and over.

This, in part, is also called MANUAL MUSCLE TESTING which uses the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems to read the firing (truth) or non-firing (mistruth) of muscles, organs, and neurons in the body.

If we can learn to master this skill, we create a greater confidence and deeper trust in ourselves. When we learn to read the energy signatures of the world around us and act accordingly we can avoid painful or unsafe situations by making choices that are custom-tailored to our needs and well-being. This is a valuable  tool for sure, and one worth cultivating.

Triggers – just a quick note

Truth, even when bad, has a way of feeling more harmonious than mistruth.

If extreme fear is triggered within our system we may be dealing with some sort of manipulation either externally or internally. External manipulation is self-explanatory. An internal response could be due to some deep seated core fear or trauma. A strong or deep trigger may warrant further examination. We may want to take a little time to explore this from as neutral a place as we can muster. If we slow things down, look within and notice patterns, we may be able to heal some deep old program.

My work with clients – by phone, in person, and groups – is specifically designed to clear these long-standing and deep-seated triggers and habitual programs. They experience a greater freedom from negative  thoughts and feelings after our sessions. Freedom from our triggers means we have a greater ability to thrive and live our soul’s mission!


As always, please take what resonates with you and furthers your growth and let the rest go.

With love and blessings,

