Photo: Rossyln Chapel near Edinburgh, Scotland

What are Archetypes?

Archetypes are subconscious mind programs that may show up as personality traits and types that imprint in our subconscious mind, body and soul layers. They can give us strength during times of stress, give us a framework within which to approach life and present as gifts or things we are good at. They often seem like our modus operandi or operating mode and strongly influence behavior and tendencies.

Additionally, they have the potential to reveal to us our shadow or hidden sides and come with inherent weaknesses or a negative/polarized side. There can be hundreds of  personality subtypes, enneagram layers, astrological associations and collective unconsciousness types. Similarly, you may identify with religious or spiritual figure associations, spiritual hierarchy identities – angels, Eloheim, Ascended Masters and the like.

Of all of these imprints, ‘Past Life’ identities can be extremely magnetizing and can both entice you into greater strength or lure you into repeating past life dramas and archetypal patterns. When we over-relate with any ‘type’ we bond our identity with that ideal and potentially draw to us unwanted events, circumstances or lessons we completed long ago and need not repeat.

Archetype according to Merriam-Webster: “The original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are representations or copies. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato, for example, believed that all things have ideal forms (aka archetypes) of which real things are merely shadows or copies.”

The term archetype is derived from the studies and writings of psychologist Carl Jung who believed that archetypes are part of humanity’s collective unconscious or memory of universal experiences. In a literary context, characters (and sometimes images or themes) that symbolically embody universal meanings and basic human experiences, independent of time or place, are considered archetypes.

For example, one of the most common literary archetypes is the Hero. The hero is generally the protagonist of a narrative and displays ubiquitous characteristics such as courage, perseverance, sacrifice, and rising to challenge. From

When the Hero turns into a Victimizer or When the Lightworker feels Victimized

“Mental forms of individual and collective consciousness archetypal patterns are magnetically imprinted upon the Soul before it is born into the material world.” Lisa Renee

These Collective Consciousness Archetypes will influence the individual either positively or negatively depending on their level of Self Awareness and Consciousness.

Victim-Victimizer programming controls and manipulates the Unconscious Mind of the collective consciousness. Included here are general fear based thoughts and mental programs where the individual feels justified in lashing out because they felt attacked or triggered by some external force. Hence the victim turns into the victimizer. These actions and reactions can trap people, families and groups into repeating past abuses and patterns by locking the traumas in the pain body and subconscious mind.

Over Identifying with Past Life Parts, Enneagram Layers or Archetypal Roles

Many on the ascending or spiritual awakening path find themselves identifying with past life patterns of embodiment, especially those involving some sort of persecution or harm received as a result of being a light-worker, healer, truth-teller or way-shower. These identities can teaching us valuable lessons and reconnect us with parts and aspects long forgotten. They can provide us with a sense of context and remind us of our current life mission and values.

If however, this identity or archetype is held onto for too long we may find ourselves making excuses for this life-time’s traumas and not ‘growing up’ or fully assimilating the old. I have seen a number of people get stuck at one level of spiritual development because they have taken on the past life or archetype as a permanent structure.

Many times these identities get stuck in the now due to phobias, traumas or interference patterns involving a tremendous amount of fear or shock.

You are meant to become your own God-self, Sovereign and Free. That means your next steps could be to free yourself from identification with any roles, family imprints, societal imprints, or collective consciousness archetypes.

This can be a challenge for many as there can be a glamor attachment to those roles that are angelic, heroic, or charismatic in nature as we put our 3D meanings onto those roles or modes of being that are in fact limiting and can cause you to slip unknowingly into a victim or victimizer role.

Upgrade Your Current Layers and Be Truly Free

Every time you upgrade, clear or heal a layer you effectively bump up to a more positive time-line. More importantly, the converse is true. If you make a life choice based on a fear program you will change your timeline to one with more of the same challenges. Ugh!  I have learned this the hard way and have seen many clients do the same.

Upgrading and integrating your current type(s) is possible!

Here are just a few examples:

Leadership or bossy types are free to upgrade or clear to allow for a broader range of relationships – those that are more balanced and flow between receiving and giving.

Loner types can shift to become more integrated and socially comfortable.

Hero types don’t have to save everyone and in fact may be more effective leaders if they adopt a more observer type role.

**Victims can clear the historic timelines of trauma or being victimized by choosing to step into their authentic power with grace and strength.

Mother Archetypes may need to be cleared when the last child has left home allowing for new life purposes to unfold.

Self-sacrificing types can move beyond that boundary and receive help, collaborate and cooperate.

Wounded Light-workers can upgrade to the empowered witness and become more pro-active, whole individuals.

Too-sensitive empaths can release others energies and be free to set boundaries with love and compassion.

The roles of victim – victimizer are the most challenging to clear. One must be vigilant and be willing to be the neutral observer with self compassion for a significant period of time. These imprints lie deep within our collective DNA ancestral trees. Be patient with yourself as this is probably the last tie to spiritual bondage and the biggest obstacle to your spiritual freedom.

Healing Your Layers

I wish I could give you a quick script or invocation to make these changes. However, it takes quite a bit of dedicated work, presence or mindfulness to move beyond long-seated habits.

There are many ways to clear, heal and upgrade your archetypal layers. The trick is to identify the linking or blocking trauma, phobia or sabotage program and call upon your courage to clear it from all parts of your mind, body, spirit and life.

Sometimes these patterns can heal in a session or two and sometimes they are the very ‘piece’ you are meant to conquer in this life – meaning you have your entire life to do it. The impetus for most people is to heal these sooner rather than later is so they can be free of the burdens and trauma-dramas that show up time and again.

The choice is yours – if you can see it you can clean it up.

As always dear friends and family, please take what serves you and helps you to lead an uplifted life and let the rest go.

Infinite love and blessings,

