Law of Conservation or maybe it’s time to take a break

There has been much going on behind the scenes in our lightbodies, our planet and the architecture of our universe. This is all to ensure our ascension. Meanwhile, in the now moment, we are seeing and experiencing a wide range of things – due to the ever-expanding light, there now exists a deep shadow. This shadow may show up in many forms for each of us. Some of it we merely need to witness from a lovingly neutral point of view and some of it we must process through.

That sense of spiritual vertigo could be acting up again as we may encounter a wave of grief or anxiety passing through our hearts one day and the next feel a sense of optimism and love. All emotions may be elevated due to the nature of the time so be kind to yourself and others. Pay attention. Keep up your protection meditations. Be as patient as you can be. Meet your anxiety, stress, exhaustion, etc with an open mind. I’m reminding you to pray and keep the faith. Trust that the light on the planet has never been brighter that is why the darkness is up and fighting for its life.

We are now, and have for several months been in a cosmic still-point or zero-point. It’s as if the jury is out and we are waiting for the verdict in the 3D. Further ahead on our highest timeline is verdict we’ve been waiting for and working towards for eons – it’s time for the planet to ascend. The light wins!

While we are on the edge of our collective seats, we are encouraged to slow everything down and employ the Law of Conservation of Energy which encourages us to wait until the moment of prompting to complete a project or to use smart movements instead of many movements.

Doing something just for the sake of doing something is not needed. This is a hard one for me. Frequently when I am prompted to lay low and not ‘DO’ much of anything, I feel guilty that I am wasting precious time. But, I have learned to follow that inner guidance. To rest. Wait for the RIGHT Cosmically aligned moment. Then when I get the ‘GO AHEAD’ signal, I act. It is actually incredible what I can accomplish in a very short time – it’s as if someone opened ALL of the gates, I am completely in the flow and the universe is with me. BAM – things get done in record time with a better outcome than I could have anticipated. Not only that, but I feel so darn good doing the project or task. This is co-creation at its most mundane level and it is wonderfully efficient and fulfilling at the same time.

“Conservation is being able to discern the Right Use of Action – harnesses precious time and life force energies to be more effective and impactful. Cultivate the wisdom in when to engage and learn when not to engage with others or conflicting circumstances. No person needs to justify their existence to another or to care what people think of them. Staying clear of emotional tantrums and dramas and not engaging means you do not feed the drama to escalate into chaos.” Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis

Right Action . . . “Called samyak-karmanta in Sanskrit or Right Action, is part of the “ethical conduct” portion of the (Buddhist) path, along with Right Livelihood and Right Speech. These three “spokes” of the dharma wheel teach us to take care in our speech, our actions, and our daily lives to do no harm to others and to cultivate wholesomeness in ourselves.” Barbara O’Brien, Learn Religions site.

A message from our cosmic guardian team:

This message for all of you spiritual seekers and ascension prototypers who may be feeling drained, discouraged or depressed. I received this message from the Guardian team, after working with a client who has received hundreds of thank you and appreciation letters for all the outstanding help she has given others through her social work and healing practice. This session was right around one of the energetic peak events, in this case Lion’s Gate 8-8-20 and the magnetic peak of Ophiuchus early December 2020. This message will also apply to you whenever you stumble upon it. I love the simplicity of this. . .

Message :

Pause. Be still. For a moment be in neutral.

There is no need to push extra energy. You don’t need to give.

For the moment imagine you are the receiver.  The creative divine (your cosmic family) is the transmitter. Receive. Receive. Receive.

Allow the Universal Harmonics to wash through your field from 3.5 feet above your head to 12 inches beneath your feet.

Fill. Expand and allow the energy to pass through you.

No effort of sacrifice is needed. Just your presence is enough. Refill your inner cup. Allow yourself to be in receiving mode.

No pushing or pulling. No need to ‘make’ it happen. Practice the law of conservation of energy. That’s what you came here to do.

No need to defend, resist or protect. Sink into your inner core. Be. Let the inner magic unfold.

And it will.

Be grateful. Receive.  Give thanks.

Blessings of Infinite Love and Kindness,

