Or What does the spiritual number 144 mean?

Think musical harmony meets mathematics, meets quantum mechanics, meets modern cosmology — These systems are all governed by similar principles and, in a sense, are the catalyst to your spiritual awakening and create the organic step by step progression throughout your personal evolution within the ascension process.

The Science Behind Harmonic Resonance

Spectrum of Frequency – oscillating frequencies which mirror levels of vibration and consciousness of all things – animate or inanimate.

Visible Light Spectrum – White light enters a prism and gives us the rainbow of light, much like the physical body in relation to the 7 colors of the lower chakras (there are 12 in all).

Harmonic resonance is a cohesive force that holds all individuated matter together. Each ‘thing’ has a resting vibratory rate or resonant frequency. And, all things that interact tend to harmonize or go into a state of entrainment over time.

Researchers have found that the human body’s fundamental resonant frequency hovers around 5 Hz. However, in recent years, the body’s resonant frequency has been measured to be around 10 Hz.

Scientists have also found this to be true of our planet…for thousands of years Schumann’s Resonance rate has held around 7.83 Hz – which also happens to be a number representing the sacred cosmic sound current in Hindu philosophy. However, since 2014 scientists in Russia and elsewhere have recorded consistent increases. Our planet’s resonant rate now measures 16.5 Hz, with spikes as high as 30 Hz.

This vibration is pushing us and forcing us to drop density enabling us to access, with our consciousness, the higher harmonic universes (aka – chakras or spheres).

The Harmonic Universe and Significance of 144

When anything is reduced to its most basic form it exists as pure light or energy. When viewed under a high-powered microscope, even solid inanimate matter exists as vibrating units or “pockets” of energy, each with their own unique rate of vibration and energetic imprint. So, essentially, everything from inanimate objects to living beings is vibrating at its own natural frequency.

Now take this simple idea and expand your mind to include the entire universe – empty space, planets, stars, plasma fields, black holes, meteors and other ‘space debris’. There is an organizing force that ‘stacks’ all matter in space into frequency groups called harmonics.

The universe is organized within harmonic frequencies (dimensions 1-12) and subharmonic frequencies (12 each). Within each dimension lies 12 subharmonic regions or scales. Many new-agers know that the number 144 is significant in some way. There is a general consensus that we must make our way through all 144 dimensions to reach the final ascension apex. Note that time does not seem to have an influence here as it is a lower-density mental construct.

For those who are musically inclined we can say that the universal dimensions are similar to a 12 string guitar. The thicker strings are the most dense and have a lower vibration and as you ascend in the musical scale the vibration gets higher. Now, imagine that within each of the 12 strings lay 12 more sub-harmonic strings. This is very similar to how the universe is set up. In all, there are 144 strings or sub-harmonic universes.

The dimensions are grouped by 3’s, with the bottom layer, the most dense, low-resonant frequency and the topmost layer (12) the least dense, highest resonant frequency. For example the 1st triad is dimensions/chakras 1-3, the 2nd triad is dimensions/chakras 4-6, and so on.

As we consolidate and clear each of the layers, it is said that each of the chakra triads will transform into spheres or one unified column of full-spectrum light. As a result we will have a chakra sphere which will encapsulate chakras 1-3, then one for  4-6, and one at 7-9, and finally one sphere for 10-12. As the old programs, traumas and memories dissolve, each chakra will evolve into it’s original blueprint for the ascended human.

The dimensions are relational to the physical body and auric or light body. Chakra/sphere 1 is also the 1st dimension spatially. 2nd dimension houses the 2nd chakra and instinctual mind, etc.

*Chart from energeticsynthesis.com.

The Universal Triads or Matrices are: click here if you would like a clearer visual diagram. Be sure to come back for Harmonics and Your Health below.

  • The First Harmonic Universe in 1D-2D-3D exists the three layers of the personality matrix or incarnated human. These are represented by Red, Orange, Yellow in terms of the light spectrum and ‘very low’ frequency sound waves.
    • 1st = Subconscious mind
    • 2nd = Instinctual Mind
    • 3rd = Personality Conscious Mind
  • The Second Harmonic Universe in 4D-5D-6D exists the three layers of the Soul Matrix. Light spectrum colors are green, blue, violet and the sound frequencies are ‘low’ frequency sound waves.
    • Nadial complex
    • Astral Mind/Celestial Mind/Archetypal Mind
    • Heart/Lung complex
  • The Third Harmonic Universe in 7D-8D-9D exists the three layers of the Monadic matrix. These colors are now falling into the range invisible to the eye and the sound waves are getting shorter, more ‘mid-range’.
    • Soul Monad Family Lifetime Layers
    • Ketheric Mind/Monadic Mind/Causal Mind
  • The Fourth Harmonic Universe in 10D-11D-12D exists the three layers of the Christos Avatar Matrix. These colors are invisible to the naked eye, but visible to the inner eye for some,and the sound waves are getting even shorter, ‘higher-range’
    • Oraphim and Elohim
    • Christ Mind/Buddhic Mind/Avatar

This last Harmonic Triad exists outside of our current known universe. It can also be called the Zero Point Field or God World.

  • In the Fifth Harmonic Universe in 13D-14D-15D exists the Three Layers of the Rishi matrix or Threefold Founder Flame or GSF Flame. Colors are seen by inner eye and frequencies are very high – creator frequencies – oscillating waves of pure light consciousness.
    • Creator/Founder Worlds-Seven Higher Heavens
    • Diamond Sun
    • Guardian Races
    • Mother Arc & Father Arc
Harmonics and You

As far as an energetic update, the law of harmonic resonance reminds you, at this point, to pay attention to patterns in your life and how they relate to your 5th chakra — throat, neck, self expression and personal truth.

Notice how you communicate – are your words flowing? Are you speaking from a place of authenticity? Are you able to speak your truth in a neutral way? Is there trapped negative emotion blocking your honest expression? Are you no longer resonating with your career, friends or home location?

Harmonic resonance accounts for everything you are calling to you in your life. Your partnerships, friendships and relationships, at work and at home, are resonant and harmonizing with your base vibration. They have entrained with you and you have entrained with them. So think about your group relationships and how your feel within different group gatherings.

All of creation would not exist if it weren’t for sound harmonics, as all things vibrate. They vibrate into being, coalesce with other things, then collapse into pure energy only to be recreated into something else. All things have an energetic signature and inherent intelligence with their own unique vibrating motion and frequency.

Without sound we can not create. Within your life this may cause blocks or barriers to your ability to create new experiences. This can be experienced as dissonance, chaos, negativity and perhaps drama.

Think about this: Truth has its own resonance. When you stumble upon something or someone that mirrors your truth, don’t you know it? You ‘feel’ it and sense it on a unique level. It strikes a CHORD with you. That’s harmonic resonance. When you are living according your truth and from a place of highest resonance, synchronicities become sign posts along your way..

Moving through this phase takes a bit of discipline and discernment. Here’s where a little focus work – meditation, breathing exercises, body-work – will go along way. Remember to look at yourself and your life with loving, soft eyes – loving kindness – and curiosity. Your soul planned this journey for you, so if you begin to become more inner directed, you will be taken care of.

If you have people around you who are always giving – with no thought for themselves – notice how this may apply to you as well. Another example is, if you continually attract angry men or women, turn your lens around for a quick selfie and notice whether that applies to an aspect of yourself.

As you progress through your own healing — by now you know it is not linear — you may cycle back and forth between different issues.You are clearing aspects of your life or soul wounds that may correspond to different dimensions. Below is a chart showing you the different harmonic universes and common aspects surrounding them. These can offer you some context for your process, as well as provide you with a map for where you are heading and how it all ties together.

Most everyone seems to be working on issues from several dimensions all at the same time. This happens with the law of resonance – issues that form an over arching soul theme may show up in your physical body, your soul body and your soul monad (over soul).

Now, think about your world as it exists for you now — physical body, food, places, people, and things. If you recall there are foods that give you energy and foods that make you sluggish. The same applies to every single thing you do in your day.

You are a sum total of everything you eat, see, hear and do. Remember everything has a vibratory rate – this isn’t a matter of judgement – it’s our physical world.

It’s up to you to discern and determine what makes you hum, what stimulates you in harmonious ways and what does not.

Apply this to the spiritual journey you are on . . . If your current task is growth and healing the importance of the harmonic resonance of everything in your life is compounded. As you encounter, integrate and assimilate all of the higher frequencies of your soul and soul family layers your harmonic vibration will change.

Naturally this means some things, people and places, may leave your life and new, more resonant, and harmonious ‘things’ will replace them. This can be very challenging so cultivating our neutral observer perspective becomes increasingly important.

I can’t say this enough – trust your inner guidance. Notice the vibration of all information coming to you and act with loving kindness, grace and integrity in all you do. If you can practice this, your life will begin to shift in magical ways.

And, for many on this path, your truth could be different than your partner,’s, family’s or friend’s depending upon your mission. Sometimes we are meant to have these experiences because we are gathering intelligence or ‘intel’ so to speak. Remember we are ever learning, growing and reaching for higher and higher aspects of divine consciousness. Be gentle on yourself and others and be ever watchful of your own negative ego. Take what information moves you forward on your path and let the rest go.

Wishing you love, blessings and the eternal love and support of your ‘team’.

