It’s been eons since we have had the privilege to be exposed to esoteric knowledge, sacred practices, ancient wisdom, codes, hidden mysteries of ancient cultures, universal ray/color technologies, sacred geometry, ancient healing arts, energy manipulation and manifestation principles, reading ‘the field’ and interpreting energy signatures, breathing techniques to raise consciousness, astral travel, and remote viewing.

However  . . . why is it that many advanced spiritual practitioners experience more negative energy, darker nights of the soul, and financial lack? Contemplate that for a moment . . .

Could it be that we are not being taught everything? All things being equal, wouldn’t that point directly to the fact that something is indeed missing.

We are living in – and entering into – a time where many mysteries of the universe are being unveiled. We can now study anything we want.

It is  now possible to cultivate inner sight and develop clairaudience (inner hearing), clairvoyance (inner seeing), and clairsentience (inner knowing) and generally develop our own Gnosis skills – or the ability to discern knowledge through our own physical body nervous system, cells and DNA. We can do all this up to a point, right?

We’re still looking for someone to tell us something about ourselves some crumb of information that will help us to better understand our lives and our purpose. Because there is a deep inner knowing within our hearts and minds that there is more to our lives than ordering anything we want on Amazon and streaming the next hit movie, many of us are rushing to try out various mysterious teachings and techniques looking for answers.

And, the cool thing is, we are finding them. We are piecing together the little fragments and the tapestry of our individual and combined existence. And, it is all beginning to take a definite shape. Yay!

WE are desperate to get to the TRUTH. We know that something is not quite right with our outer world and those influential in creating our reality. We simply want to feel better and know there must be a better way. From the depths of our soul we know there is more to our existence than hitting the alarm clock in the morning and running around all day long.

Are you still feeling like there is something missing? Some fragment of information that links together everything that we have been experiencing.

Up until a number of years ago, mystery school teachings were cutting edge and of interest to a small, but growing, segment of our population and helped to provide guidance to many who are awakening and seeking a life with more meaning and joy, as well as a sense of unity.

But something has changed for some of these schools and gurus. It’s subtle, barely palpable, but it’s there.

For a while these teachings helped to uplift me and many of my friends. Then around 2013 these techniques stopped helping. It was as if a wall was put up keeping me out of the ‘bliss’ party.

We hit a glass ceiling, a plateau.

I wracked my brain and spent hours connecting with my guides to figure out what was happening. Oddly enough, I received some guidance but for the most part I began to only get information on an ‘as needed basis.’ I would literally beg them for direction and little crumbs of wisdom. My entire life began to change – a nice phrase for . . . ‘unravel at the seams.’ I walked away from my yoga studio, stopped teaching yoga, meditation and seeing my cranio-sacral clients. I got a job as an office manager at an investment banking firm. WHAT? How crazy is that?

Looking back, I can see how my internal light consciousness began to become in-congruent with the consciousness of the practices. In other words, 2 things now seem evident: 1 – Some of the teachings and teachers were under hijack by the negatives; and, 2 – some of the teachings themselves had originated from  beings that were not of 100% pure light, and as such, lacked certain important steps to true spiritual freedom and sovereignty.

So what does that mean? How can that be? Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater just yet.

Could it be that there is actually something else? Something that was omitted from all of the teachings? Perhaps the knowledge can only come to us once we peel away the hundreds of layers of false packaging. Maybe it was right in front of us all along. Many teachings show us that we have the spark of GOD within us. That we are pure creative energy. That we are light.

So . . .why are we still suffering?

Why is it that we get to the ‘big’ issue and think we’ve arrived – then yet another issue pops up? This part has caused long-time seekers and very adept esoteric practitioners much angst. We have seen incredibly wise and powerful gurus ‘fall’ from the grace and strength they so avidly taught. What is that?

We need to look at this and discern why. This is the job of those of us seeking now. To look past what is in our 3rd dimensional realty and our deepest cellular programming and see – truly see – what’s there or what isn’t there. Through the haze of negative energy attacks and intense global suffering and darkness – it is as plain as day. It’s the light. It’s always been the light. I’ll explain . . .

Here’s what they didn’t teach us in Mystery School…

Ready? I hope you are sitting down because this is huge. What I am going to say may trigger your ego because this is beyond ego. Notice your deep level response and only take what resonates with you.

We can thank a growing number of folks who went through countless days and nights of suffering (including me) in order to have figured out, what could be the next big step – how incredibly valuable we are and that we have Cosmic Rights that are inalienable and inherent to our very core and being!

YOU ARE A BEING OF LIGHT! Not just a small percent…100%. As such, you have a right to claim ALL of that light.


I know you are thinking . . . I already know this! Yes, but knowing and really owning are two different matters. Read on . . .

Not only that, you possess the right to command that no one with less than 100% pure light may interfere with you on any level. Pause and think about this for a moment.

Here are the 3 main places where we get hijacked and how we can override the negative effects:

  • Your inner guidance system team – command to be inner guided only by 100% pure light beings – all body systems, cells and DNA.
  • Your spirit guides- command to be guided only by 100% pure light beings.
  • Your own consciousness – command to be inner directed only by 100% pure light beings. No more predator mind and negative programed thoughts. You still need to take care of your own ego programs but this seems to help.

I’m guessing you’re thinking ‘what about my trusted team of angels and masters?’ My suggestion is to ask for the 100% light version or ask that you receive information from a higher dimension. Try it. Experience this for yourself. I would love for you to let me know either way. I’m just sharing my experiences, those I’ve read about and those of my clients.

Note: This doesn’t mean throw away all of your crystals, card decks, etc. it means add your 100% pure light consciousness to ALL you do – your yoga, your meditation, your morning routine, your sessions, when house cleaning – EVERYTHING!

From the Light of God that I AM . . .

‘From the Light of God that I am’ phrase gives you the cosmic right to claim your cosmic citizenship and that gives you access to 12 dimensions or more. This means your consciousness could be accessing higher dimensions than some of the ‘Masters’ you are communicating with every day. These beings are called ascended masters because they lived and passed on and sometimes people are encountering imposter spirits – negatives who are pretending to be light beings and guides.

Yes, our spirit guides are often amazing and offer us incredible strength, wisdom and energy. Yes, they have been there for us day in and day out. But are they of 100% pure light? Might they have unhealed aspects of their own? Unless they come from beyond our universal grid or the 12th dimension or higher, they are as subject to similar higher soul level traumas and hijack as are we. Especially if you consider the fact that you could be accessing their energy at differing layers or dimensions. Ugh. I know how confusing and/or distressing this news can be. Again, all I can say is to try this out and see for yourself.

I’m just encouraging you to notice when and if their frequency and level of assistance changes.

You could be vibrating at a higher level from all the work you’ve done because it was your soul contract to come into this life and ascend. That means going beyond the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th dimensional beings.

Your SOURCE or GOD self will activate and then . . . guess what! You will begin to feel only uplifting vibes from your own self at source. Ha and voila isn’t that crazy????

I encourage you to try connecting with YOU from the highest dimension possible and notice what you notice. YOU will not be disappointed!

My dear friends, please take what serves you and disregard the rest. May you rejoice in your own inner light!

With Infinite Love!

