Halls of Amenti - 7 Chambers of the Sphinx

The 7 Chambers of the Sphinx is a guided journey enabling you to connect with your own inner wisdom (your Halls of Amenti) and all that is relevant for you at this time. Kaye uses all or part of this journey in workshops to help people access their subconscious mind and deeper aspects of self for healing, learning, and answering questions that arise during spiritual growth and ascension. Click here for the audio/video version.

  “Our inner world is a complex, exquisite, and powerful play of colors, lights, and shadows, a cathedral of consciousness as glorious as the natural world itself.” Julia Cameron from Walking in the World

Challenges are messengers of the heart and soul. They tell us a force is present within our life that desires more for us. The acceptance of challenge is not a powerless surrender or giving up. It is a gesture of strength. Choosing to set off on the adventure by facing the challenge is when the growth begins. Each adventure is marked by a combination of touchstones found within the Seven Chambers of the Sphinx.

The power of the sphinx is infused in the chambers, each designed for the awakening initiate to find an aspect of himself or herself that has been lost. The metaphoric image/journey sets the awakening one in a state of receptivity and deeper awareness. There is an imprint within the psyche of each individual that becomes evoked and or activated when certain iconic places or figures are used as triggers.

Each chamber evokes a sense of inner travel and has the capacity to take you down into the recesses of your being or subconscious mind. The place of deep-seated impulses, yearnings, tendencies, aspirations and aversions. The chambers also illustrate the different stages or phases you need to go through in order to heal completely (that is– to move on), acting as a template or a map of the inner realms. Each chamber represents a stage in the healing and awakening process.

These chambers are both metaphoric and mythic, and also reside within the deep recesses of your subconscious mind and physical body. The subconscious mind is the place your dreams and aspirations come from, also, the part of you that holds your deepest tendencies, passions and aversions. You may also find a synergy with certain archetypes, mythic and legendary heroes and heroines, (hero, mother, father, queen, the differing goddess figures, etc) with which you strongly resonate and any phobias or aversions which may seem out of proportion to your current life.

When you imagine journeying through the varying chambers you are able to access your subconscious mind to 1) get answers to the problems you currently face, 2) heal deep-seated programs (issues) which may have been shadowing you for years, 3) connect to a mystical, divine energy.

“The 7 Chambers of the Sphinx came to me  over a period of 9 months and many hours of meditation in 2012. I am sharing this with you for free. If you wish you share this journey, I ask that you give me written or verbal credit. Thank you.”  Kaye Michelle

Entering the Seven Chambers of the Sphinx

A Guided Journey to the Heart     

Your inner pilgrimage begins by imagining the sphinx sitting regally in the Egyptian desert facing the East, the direction of knowledge. Imagine you are completely protected. With your inner power, command your space as sacred.

Now, with your awareness equally placed upon your own breathing and your sternum, imagine that you are walking down a set of secret stone steps hidden behind the right paw of the beast. Begin to count the steps. With each step you grow more relaxed in your body and your mind is opening to possibilities. In your imagination notice the light growing more and more dim as you descend. It is becoming cooler. After you count 22 steps you will encounter a sandy yet firm floor. You are now in the first chamber. You may feel sensation in your upper chest or lungs.

The first chamber you enter is the Presence Chamber. No furniture adorns this space. In fact the walls are not defined and are rather diffuse. In the center of this rectangular room sits a torch. Is it lit or not? If not, light it with the power of your imagination. Pause here a while. Feel yourself slipping into your own warm and comforting presence. When you are ready you may move into the adjoining chamber by taking the torch, which at your command, changes into the perfect size for carrying in your hand.

The second chamber, called the Spiral Chamber,  is shaped like the creation spiral. Use your imagination to sense, know or see the doorway and its shape. Here you may feel that you are tapping into your own solar plexus. This is the place the wise ones say we gain power from the universal forces. In your mind’s eye picture only a small red carpet in the center of the curved space. Place your torch in the stand in the middle of the carpet. Sit upon the carpet and feel the power of your own life force building. Feel your strength, your resiliency, the strong constitution of your physical body. Feel the power of the True you here. This is where your inner hero/heroine will meet you. Invite her or him to join you. Allow your imagination to be strong. Use all of your senses. You may feel, hear or just know a kind presence is with you. Notice your belly relaxing and radiating comforting warmth. When you are ready, you can move into the third chamber through the arched doorway at the back of the spiral.

You have entered the Wisdom Chamber. Here you will notice that the ceilings are very high though it is still a subterranean space. The slightly curved walls are lined with shelves. Upon all of the many shelves sit books and ancient scrolls. Here you may find the answers to the questions you wish to ask. Each scroll contains the details of every event upon the earth, past present and future. Play with this visualization and use the curious and open aspect of your mind.

Next you’ll encounter an area known as The Bridge  passageway. This passageway is extremely significant to your journey as it is the connecting access between the heart, your mind and your power center. Within your physical body you may feel stirring beneath your left rib cage under your heart. This Bridge can frequently be found cluttered with debris or damaged in some manner. Use your imagination to walk down this underground passage. Notice what comes into your mind. Using your imagination repair any damage and clean up the debris so the walkway is completely clear. This will take you to the next chamber that may be down a few steps.

The fourth chamber is the Emerald Chamber and may feel like it is deeper than the others. It may also appear darker. The walls here are lined with a beautiful green marble-like substance. In the center of the room sits an extremely large  Emerald. It may sit by itself or be held on a carved stand. The emerald will glow and radiate a brilliant green light if you instruct it. If the stone is not glowing or if the light is dim, imagine it  growing brighter. You may feel an ache or warmth in your own physical heart. Fill yourself up with the love that emanates from this space.

When you are ready follow the long passageway from the back of this space. You may feel as though you are traveling up hill. Keep going until you emerge into a large columned hall. High clerestory windows illuminate the space with bright sunlight.

This is the fifth chamber, the Healing Chamber. Let your imagination paint the scene for you. This space may be changed by you to suit your healing needs. Here you may encounter other people or heavenly beings. You may imagine fountains containing healing waters or an angel who puts you on a table and magically heals your body. Again, play with this. Open your mind to the possibility of miracles.

After you are magically healed you may leave that chamber via a white marble hallway which leads you to the sixth chamber. The Learning Chamber is similar in size and appearance to the Healing Chamber in that it is a large columned room with high level windows. The space is flooded with light but appears to resemble a beautiful classroom of sorts. You may imagine your inner heroine is standing at the front of the room and she/he is waiting to help you with the lessons your challenges are teaching you. Your inner heroine/hero will assist you in resolving relationships, financial problems, etc. You can imagine a large blackboard and your answers could appear in chalk writing for you. 

The seventh chamber will appear to you when you are ready to advance to that level. It will take a form and reveal its function to you in due time. Your arrival here takes a certain level of trust combined with a high level of discernment – knowing universal truths from lies–cultivated from a deep commitment to listening to your inner wisdom.

To End: Give thanks and offer appreciation for your own inner guidance and your spiritual team. Anchor and seal all healing and learning through time.

Note: If you wish to listen to Kaye’s audio/video version of the 7 Chambers  ($8 fee) you can click here.

Interpreting Your Journey – What does it all mean?

Have fun with this and know this is where the true alchemy is happening. It’s the compassionate understanding of the events in your life and the willingness to forgive yourself and others that completes the lesson. Within your physical body you may notice sensation in your throat or head.

You may choose to visit each chamber over and over to gain a level of comfort or mastery in that aspect. For example, in the beginning of your journey you may wish to make several visits to the presence chamber in order to feel more contained before moving on. Or, you may be called or guided to pass through the chambers quickly and head straight for the healing chamber.

Trust your feelings and your subtle desires. It is possible to pass through all of the phases and heal without being able to visualize the journey through the chambers. This is merely one of many tools to be used to simplify the process of healing and facilitate growth. Your healing process also holds its own rhythm and timing. You may be ready to forgive before you integrate or you may need to conceptualize the learning and then build presence and take back your power. Trust your gut instincts. But at the same time be willing to notice if you are avoiding or trying to rush though a phase just to be done. Know that you will be done when it is time to be done. Often we are complete with an issue and then a few years later a deeper layer of the trauma shows up to be healed, so your healing path may appear to be in the shape of a widening spiral. Your heart and soul are your source of truth and guidance in terms of what may be appropriate for you. Trust this. Know that you know.

With love,

