The Importance of Your Spine

Few things in our world can rival the complex and wondrous nature of your spine. It is structure and function housed in an intricate matrix of bone, ligaments, connective tissue, nerve bundles, cartilage and fascia. Your spinal cord is bathed in a liquid solution called cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) whose job is to suffuse every cell with a colorless liquid which both delivers nutrients and removes wastes and toxins from the entire system – your tail bone to your head. The CSF is found in every layer, cell to cell, nerve to nerve, of your spinal column and brain. Not only that, the CSF, which only amounts to 2/3 cup, also serves to protect the brain from impact. 

In terms of your health, emotional and spiritual well being — your spine is key.

In each CranioSacral Therapy session (I was trained in 2004 through Upledger Institute) there is a sacral hold and release. Without fail, each time I perform this hold I feel the sense of preciousness and wonder at the unique power and love that lies trapped in that bone of each person I treat. When the trapped energy releases it feels like I open wings that had been pinned down for eons and I’m filled with a sense of awe and honor. Each person’s journey feels sacred and the details of the journey often show themselves to me as I work my way up a client’s spine — it’s like I’m in touch with their soul. It’s an amazing gift to be able to experience this. And, this is why I am a cheerleader for everyone who decides to work on the health of his/her spine. I provide 3 easy to do exercise movements below. 

In 20 years of teaching Kundalini Yoga and Meditation and maintaining a CranioSacral Therapy practice, I have noticed countless people change their lives for the better after even a little spinal attention. It goes without saying that maintaining flexibility and flow ensures the health of every organ and gland in your body. The benefits are truly numerous.

When speaking about spiritual awakening or ascension, the spine and brain (CNS) are the first locations the light codes or increasing cosmic vibrations are received and interpreted. The first thing they do is stimulate the Kundalini energy at the base of the spine – the sacrum. This triggers the entire awakening process which then takes a significant amount of time (years) to process completely. In fact, you could be ascended before you are completely enlightened. More on this below and in subsequent posts.

The Sacrum - The Base of Your Spine

Your sacrum is the large bone at the base of your spine. It is your internal structural foundation. All the other vertebrae stack upon it and take their signals from its position in your body. If your sacrum becomes jammed or out of alignment, the remainder of the spine will compensate for the imbalance by throwing other vertebrae out of alignment — all to keep you walking in a straight line.

Yogic anatomy tells us that the sacrum is the originating storehouse of your innate life force – your Kundalini energy. If this area of the body is compromised, tight, or locked up, your core energy is not flowing as well as it could for health and emotional balance. The vibrancy of your sacrum also represents your relationship to the world around you. By bringing consciousness to your sacral area you will feel more grounded and connected to those around you.

A portion of every CranioSacral therapy session involves the release of the sacrum. Without fail, each person I treat in my CranioSacral practice exhibits a marked level of relief and a deeper ability to relax after the sacral release. As a result, every organ, gland, muscle and nerve above the sacrum gains the ability to receive more nutrients with an equally renewed efficient removal of waste.

The Atlas - Top of Your Spine

Your atlas, Alta Major, is the top most bone in your spine and functions as the bridge or the pathway between your spine and your brain. The atlas hosts more mechanical receptors than any other bone in your spine. In addition, it works in conjunction with the thalamus and is subject to energetic interference or sensations of psychic attack much like an early warning system.

If this bone is out of alignment the information received by the brain will be subject to misinterpretation like static on a cell phone. This shows up in issues such as balance challenges, vertigo, etc. brain can’t respond well if it doesn’t have good information coming into it. The quality of the information going into the brain will impact the information coming out as thoughts, actions, moods, health and memory.

Spiritually speaking the back of the neck, throat and base of the skull are the primary receivers when integrating higher energies and soul monad layers. If this area is injured or blocked we may not be able to receive the benefit of the higher energies and could be opening ourselves to negative energies.

Discernment is important. When you begin to feel the presence of negative energies you also receive the ability and power to remove them. Keeping this area of your body free from injury and open structurally will help to keep your energy field clear and bright. Personally, I seek out atlas adjustments from an experienced chiropractor on a frequent basis as this is my ‘weak’ spot. I feel immediate relief as a result and notice a measurable increase in clarity.


Move Your Spine - The 3 Cardinal Directions


Our bodies exist in three dimensions so it stands to reason that we would want to move the spine in all three directions to keep it supple, open and strong. Remember back to high school math class when you studied the different cardinal directions – the X, Y and Z axes? Moving your spine in all 3 of these directions ensures that you are opening up all possible directions where blocks can be held in the body.

Flexing = X Axis direction

  • Cat Cow
  • Spinal Flex (front to back)
  • Forward and Back Bending

Twisting = Y Axis direction

  • Any rotating posture (Parivrtta = to turn around, revolve)
  • Seated Twists
  • Standing Twists
  • Revolving Utkatasana (Chair pose)

Side Bending  = Z Axis direction

  • Any lateral side-to-side seated bend
  • Any lateral side-to-side standing bend
  • Trikonasana

Your Spine and Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening is the sum total of light energy from the cosmos entering into your body via your back and head as well as the triggering of your unique kundalini energy at the base of your spine (sacrum) to awaken and flow. Your kundalini energy is your unique spiritual cache and differs slightly from the seat of your soul which is anchored in your chest. The kundalini is like your soul’s life-force or blood. Once you allow it to circulate, it feeds all of the other spiritual centers within your body and over time will reconnect your to your cosmic lineages. When this happens you may feel sensations or pressure on the left side of your neck and left shoulder. If it gets uncomfortable use movement and breathing to release your body’s resistance to the shift. Be sure to use discernment to assess the positive or negative nature of any energy around you. You are the master of your energy field and as such may command your space. Learning this skill is a major part of your mastery.

Your soul’s projection and body blueprint is anchored in all of the central channels like a holographic image. The Central Nervous System in the body interprets this information and communicates to every cell in the body and vice versa.

Your energetic body, also known as your light body or auric body, radiates information to and from your spine – the central channel. Yogic or Energy anatomy tells us we have 3 flows in the central channel – the ida (left) pingala (right) and shushmuna (central). The Light body’s central channel is the Hara Line and is the central point of your tube torus. The tube torus is also the electromagnetic form that surrounds our planet giving us the north and south poles. All living things exist within their own tube torus. As you begin to absorb more and more light, your energy system will shift, your chakras will change and your torus will begin to flow differently – multidimensionally.

The spiritual awakening/ascension process becomes easier as your health improves. If you are feeling challenges reach out to others or contact me for a Diamond Light Matrix session or attend a Kundalini Yoga class. The Diamond Light sessions are designed to clear out anything blocking your progression and help you to restore happiness, health and well-being while easing you into the next level of your awakening.

As always, I wish you a blissful awakening!
Much love,
