Did you know words are impulse vibrations that have initiative power, elicit  movement, and generate form? If you did a Google search on the power of the spoken word you would find some 244,000,000 results. There are posts about positive thinking, and articles about the ability to manifest or create things in our lives while practicing the art of mindful speaking. Even science supports the potential power of the word due to Quantum Entanglement Theory. Sacred ancient texts and holy books from all over the world claim our physical world originated with the spoken word. According to these texts ‘the word’ even comes before ‘light’ and matter. That’s a lot of power. 

If this is all true then . . .

We are the sum total of everything we think, write and say. 

Words are not just letters arranged on a page or clever phrases flung around at a party. Think about how many times you have been triggered emotionally – either positively or negatively – by something someone said. The cliche phrase, “Let’s take this outside,” always follows an insult.

Amongst countless other results, what we’ve found is that by people simply changing their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and energy, they can produce profound positive effects on their genetic expression, neurology, immune system, longevity, heart and brain coherence, and overall health. Dr. Joe Dispenza

Words cause reactions because they possess key impulses and codes that stimulate the neuro-endocrine connections in all of your body’s systems – Autonomic Nervous System, Endocrine, Immune and Central Nervous Systems. Together they represent the sum total of your ability to take in all the information in your environment, internally and externally, and interpret it, create appropriate action with associated thoughts and behavior. Each event in our lives is stored here. Belief systems that form as a result of events – positive and negative – are created and housed here. If these thoughts and belief systems are held onto long enough they create patterns, habits and personality changes and become initiators of a change in gene expression and DNA. The conductor of this incredible symphony is your limbic-hypothalamic-pituitary axis. This bio-mechanical hardware/software sits just above the upper palate in the mouth.

Did you know an off-hand phrase repeated over time leads to a pattern?

  • Pattern leads to a habit
  • Repeated habit leads to a behavior
  • Behavior creates who you are and your personality
  • Repetitive behavior changes gene expression

Because life for the ancient wise beings was simple, they could isolate sounds, sound currents, vibrations, thoughts and notice their corresponding feeling and behavioral changes and healing benefits. Hence the power of conscious speech, singing or chanting.

In this day and age, each of us has the potential to experience millions of varying stimulating vibrations, sounds, and experiences, organic and in-organic (meaning electronically or mechanically produced). Our nervous and endocrine systems needs to sort, organize and digest each and every experience. This is probably why so many people are experiencing insomnia and anxiety these days. Their bio-mechanical systems are simply backed up. Experiences are queued up waiting for their turn to pass through the limbic system and hypothalamus to be interpreted and filed accordingly.

Something to consider: You can’t erase anything you say.

Universal Creative Sound

The Hindu Vedas say, “The name of Brahman is OM, and OM is Brahman himself.” And the Upanishads speak volumes about the power of OM – the creative sound of the universe. The Bible says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

The primal sound of OM (pronounced AUM), together with other primal sounds, makes up our spoken languages. In fact, close to 500 languages are branches from this language tree – the Indo-European and Proto Indo-European root languages.


Dialoguing with the Body

In my energy medicine practice I use words as gentle commands, like keystrokes. By isolating individual traumas – emotional, mental or physical – and telling the body it’s okay to release the effects of these traumas, the body is helped along and given permission to process the events positively, integrate what was learned or any positive effects, and release the negative effects. I have helped people heal and release some very old and deep-seated traumas through focused ‘dialogue,’ simple requests and key phrases these systems recognize. If you want to find out more about how I work you can read about Diamond Light Matrix Therapy by clicking here.

There are a number of therapies today, which use ‘dialogue’ in speaking to various parts of the body. In addition, you can access the subconscious mind with the proper word prompts. Hypnotherapists, Positive Thinking Gurus and others tap into the neurological, emotional and energetic triggers with sound, vibration and the spoken word. I touch on this in a few other posts – Raising Your Vibration I and II and Hacking Anxiety.

Mantra – Words that Heal

Early in 1999, I fell head-over-heels in love with Mantra. It was my first Kundalini Yoga class. I found the repetitive aspect of the words together with the rhythm of the music to work magic on my tendency to ‘over-think’ things. It also soothed and settled my frazzled nerves at the time. I was transported and uplifted. My heart opened and suddenly I was floating on the seas of well-being. Within the year of that first class I was enrolled in Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training.

As yoga practitioners, we use mantras to help to control the myriad fluctuations of the mind. Chanting helps to stabilize emotional challenges and build energy in the body as well as facilitate communication with our heart and higher aspects of self and spirit.

Here is a definition of Mantra from my Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training manual (Founder Yogi Bhajan, 1969):

“The science of mantra is based on the knowledge that sound is a form of energy having structure, power and a definite predictable effect on the chakras and the human psyche. Mantras are formulas that alter the patterns of the mind and the chemistry of the brain, according to physical and metaphysical laws.”

Using words to replace other words, using mantra to replace unwanted thoughts, or compulsive fearful thoughts, overwrites and overrides others because they flow in a similar wave pattern.

Here’s a small sample of the basics:

OM – The basic vibration of the Cosmos – If you need grounding I suggest chanting ONG (see below)

ONG NAMO GURU DEV NAMO – Kundalini Yoga tune-in mantra – means I call upon the wisdom within myself – More of a grounding mantra than OM.

NAMASTE and SAT NAM – Both used as greetings. Namaste means the wise one in me recognizes the wise one in you. And, Sat Nam means Truth as it always is.

OM Maṇi Padme Hūṃ – Tibetan go-to mantra and favorite of the Dalai Lama – translates as “Oh, the Jewel of the Lotus, Oh, my God within me.”

There are hundreds of other mantras, each of which evoke a slightly different effect on your mind, body, emotions and spirit – healing, prosperity, to connect with God, to connect with your inner wisdom, to heal relationships, become more angelic, etc.

I will dedicate an entire post to Mantra – coming soon – I promise.

    Healing Negative Ego with Conscious Speech​

    Right Speech – the Buddhists teach us how

    “Right Speech, also called Wise Speech or Virtuous Speech, gives rise to peace and happiness in oneself and others. The Buddha was precise in his description of Right Speech.  He defined it as “abstinence from false speech, abstinence from malicious speech, abstinence from harsh speech, and abstinence from idle chatter.”  In the vernacular this means not lying, not using speech in ways that create discord among people, not using swear words or a cynical, hostile or raised tone of voice, and not engaging in gossip.  Re-framed in the positive, these guidelines urge us to say only what is true, to speak in ways that promote harmony among people, to use a tone of voice that is pleasing, kind, and gentle, and to speak mindfully in order that our speech is useful and purposeful.” Tricycle Magazine

    For many of us this is easier said than done. Our society praises snarky quips, sarcasm and good comebacks. Our news and social media outlets and political leaders thrive on gossip and false allegations and often communicate using gaslighting techniques and outright lies. 

    Indeed it is a tall order to decide to focus upon mindful communication. It is, however, necessary if you are finding large challenges, confronting situations and less than uplifting relationships.

    Isn’t it okay to insult someone if he/she has insulted you?

    Yes, if you want to be hooked into their neurosis and lower ego mind. If you want to be free don’t say it. Resist the urge to let fly the ‘awesome come-back’ no matter how slam-dunk it is. Recalling a Seinfeld episode when George Costanza chased down someone across state lines to do deliver a zinger. You are engaging in a game of catch with their ego and many egos want to ‘win’ no matter what. They would rather win than be happy – this is the M.O. of the ego. The only way out is to NOT PLAY CATCH with some else’s ego. Period. Btw, I am completely guilty of this and at times it takes concerted effort for me to refrain from the winnerless banter game.

    Responsibility of speech and Karma

    • Speaking with consciousness = good or neutral karma
    • Speaking with intent to harm = negative karma – it will back-fire eventually

    Consider a Word Cleanse – Do we need a collective cleanse of wrongful speech?

    The practice of physical body cleanses abounds now – a liver cleanse, a carb cleanse, removing sugar from our diets. Think about this: everything that goes into our mind/body system must be digested in some manner. Right? Now consider the barrage of words assaulting us every day. If the majority of the words is negative or malicious we begin to resonate or entrain with those words. Consider the converse, if the majority of words we encounter over the course of the day is positive, we are fed and nourished on a profound vibratory level.

    Now think about the sum total of words over the course of a week, month, year, decade. . . Profound isn’t it?

    It’s the frequency of the words that holds the power in our minds, energy and hearts. Remember Masaru Emoto who wrote the book Messages from Water? This is powerful stuff.

    If someone is prone to exaggeration don’t you discount most of what he says? And, doesn’t his credibility decreases no matter how verbose he is?

    “Many people are without vital interests and are hungry to hear what other people are doing. They are usually the ones who keep the radio turned on from early morning till late at night. They must be entertained every minute. Their own affairs do not hold enough interest. A woman once said to me: “I love other people’s affairs.” She lived on gossip. Her conversation consisted of, “I was told,” “I was given to understand,” or “I heard.” It is needless to say she is now paying her Karmic debt. A great unhappiness has overtaken her and everyone knows about her affairs. It is dangerous to neglect your own affairs and to take an idle curiosity in what others are doing. We should all be busily engaged in perfecting ourselves, but take a kindly interest in others.”
    Florence Scovel Shinn, The Power of the Spoken Word and Your Word is Your Wand

    Speaking from victim mentality very often creates a turn-around or reversal for you. Repeatedly saying hurtful negative things to yourself begins to imbed the idea/thought/concept deep into your psyche and eventually your subconscious.

    If you repeat it long enough it follows this flow (positive and negative changes): 

    • A phrase repeated leads to a pattern
    • Pattern leads to a habit
    • Repeated habit leads to a behavior
    • Behavior creates who you are and your personality
    • Personality modulation changes gene expression

    In closing, by now you have gleaned a sense of the significance of your words. They really are everything.

    Used wisely, words can elevate us to advanced states of consciousness and inspire us to achieve our greatest potential!

    As always, I hope that I have helped shine some light on a few topics. Please take whatever serves you and let go of any thing that does not resonate with you. Many blessings of love, light and peace!

    Love, Kaye
