“Respect your genome. Fat–not carbohydrate–is the preferred fuel of human metabolism and has been for all of human evolution…
Dr. David Perlmutter in his book GRAIN BRAIN.
My goal in writing this post is to give you some information that I wish I had years ago. Many of my friends, students and clients complain about and suffer with numerous strange aches and pains, commonly known as, ‘ascension symptoms.’ I have had my own challenges as well. Though, I am grateful for my path (err…most of the time) and all I have experienced and learned along the way. I am especially grateful for finding a healthy way around those challenges. My wish for you is to thrive and be healthy, sooner rather than later, while you are on the path of awakening or just walking through life on planet Earth. Walking a spiritual path is hard enough so let’s see if we can eliminate many of the physical challenges and make your journey as joyful as possible.–Kaye
Disclaimer: Please note that I honor all diet and lifestyle choices. This post is based on my experience (and those of many others) and a whole lot of new data coming to light around the subject of fats. Every ‘body’ is different and operates with different tolerance levels. My message here is to check in with your body on a regular basis to find out what you are needing. Sometimes the body has a different need than the head and the heart.
Using Food to Condition Your Nervous System
Peak spiritual experiences will challenge the even the strongest nervous systems. I have experienced some very intense energy surges and found that I handle the after-effects much more seamlessly when I am in good health–fit and eating well.
As you probably know, the condition of your brain and nervous system is the filter through which your spiritual experience is projected. After all, the condition of your brain = the condition of your mind = the condition of your intuition. And further… the condition of your body affects your brain. So we can assume that the condition of your body affects your intuition and how you interpret the energetic information coming to you. If you are like me, I receive information from my entire mind-body-spirit system . . . physical body, energy field and brain. The higher your physical vibration the easier it is for you to resonate, cohere and entrain with higher vibrating energies and interpret them accurately.
The million dollar question these days is . . . What foods are the highest vibrating foods? My answer is . . . the ones that make you strong TODAY. In other words, the foods and supplements your body needs in real time. Listening to the subtle cues your body is sending you on a day-to-day basis is the key and the catch.
Yes, this does make staying on top of your health and vitality, at best, a part-time job. My significant other, Jay, and I are total geeks about this subject and spend a good amount of time on the subject of healthy foods, supplements and anything else that will aid in holding at bay the incredibly strong force of entropy (aging). By the way, Jay (Dr. Jay) has a thriving Applied Kinesiology Chiropractic practice. He’s dedicated over 30 years to the study and application of foods/nutrition, functional medicine and what it means to get and stay healthy.

The important factor here is to think about your body as the foundation of your mind/body/spirit system and that those building blocks need to be as strong as possible. Mastering the physical body is part of your spiritual journey as well. After all, it is the vehicle through which everything is transformed, traversed, and translated.
Eliminating Systemic Inflammation is the Fastest Way to Good Health
“. . . one of the ways grains and carbs set fire to the brain is through surges in blood sugar; this has direct negative effects on the brain that in turn start the inflammatory cascade.The science really comes down to your body’s neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are your main mood and brain regulators, and when blood sugar increases, there’s an immediate depletion of the neurotransmitters serotonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, GABA, and dopamine. At the same time, B-complex vitamins, which are needed to make those neurotransmitters (and a few hundred other things) get used up. Magnesium levels also diminish, and this handicaps both your nervous system and liver.”
Dr. David Perlmutter from his book GRAIN BRAIN
Did you know that food has the power to change our DNA positively or negatively? It is because food is an epigenetic modulator. Numerous studies and doctors are now finding that gluten sensitivity can account for many of our modern physical discomforts and illnesses — from headaches, migraines, ADHD, insomnia, digestive issues of all kinds, decreased libido, high blood-pressure and depression to Alzeihmers, Diabetes, Tourette’s Syndrome, epilepsy, schizophrenia, and any aliment that is caused by chronic systemic inflammation.
Reducing gluten and carbs in your diet and adding good protein and the right fats will immediately begin to reduce inflammation in your body and brain. It will balance all of the hormone signals (prostaglandins) within every cell of your body and brain.
Digestion, elimination and all of your metabolic functions will become more efficient causing you to NOT store fat. When systemic inflammation is reduced, EVERYHING in your body and nervous system begins to heal. For example, good fats and proteins are integral to the myelin sheath (the protective covering) of your body’s nerve cells. The myelin sheath wraps around the axon (end) of every nerve cell, insulating neurons so they can send electric signals faster and more efficiently. In addition, many of our organs are ‘fats’ dependent and are in many cases actually composed largely of fats. What’s more, your brain is 66% fat.
Increased carbs and gluten interrupt optimal signaling in the body through an increase in blood sugar. This disrupts the absorption of needed fat (the right combination of Omega 3s and other essential fatty acids) for accurate hormone signalling and communication between every cell in your body and especially your brain.
Confused about Omega-3’s and 6’s?
Note: To keep it simple — “Omega” is the organic chemist’s way to identify where the double-bond appears in a chain of connected carbon atoms. For instance, Omega-3 identifies it’s double bond on the 3rd carbon. Any more information on this portion of our post is pretty much Organic Chemistry 101 – probably not something we need to cover. I want to try to make this as easy to understand as possible. You can just skip to the chart below for what kinds of fats you should be eating if you like.
Did you know that the human body is made up of approximately 70 trillion cells? Each and every one of these cells contains important Omega-3 fatty acids that the body needs to stay healthy. In other words, they are essential structural components and aid in promoting healthy hormone production in every cell membrane.
However, your body can’t produce these essential fats on its own. This is why we need to consume them in our diets. The three types of omega−3 fatty acids needed by your body for a healthy metabolism are: α-linolenic acid (ALA), found in plant oils, and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), both commonly found in marine oils. Marine algae, cold water fish, and phytoplankton are primary sources of omega−3 fatty acids. Common sources of plant oils containing ALA include walnut, edible seeds, clary sage seed oil, algal oil, flaxseed oil, Sacha Inchi oil, Echium oil, and hemp oil, while sources of animal omega−3 fatty acids EPA and DHA include fish, fish oils, eggs from chickens fed EPA and DHA, squid oils, and krill oil. I add Bulletproof Brain Octane Oil to my coffee to be sure I get enough. You can click here to check it out.
Pros and Cons of OMEGA-6’s and other FATS
Dr. Andrew Weil had this to say about Omega-6s, “The body also constructs hormones from omega-6 fatty acids. In general, hormones derived from the two classes of essential fatty acids have opposite effects. Those from omega-6 fatty acids tend to increase inflammation (an important component of the immune response), blood clotting, and cell proliferation, while those from omega-3 fatty acids promote anti-inflammatory activity. Both Omega 3s and 6s must be in balance to maintain optimum health.”
Foods containing the inflammation inducing Omega-6 fatty acids are far too prevalent in modern diets. Refined vegetable oils, such as soy oil, are used in most of the snack foods, cookies, crackers, and sweets in the American diet as well as in fast food. Soybean oil alone is now so ubiquitous in fast foods and processed foods that an astounding 20 percent of the calories in the American diet are estimated to come from this single source.
This dietary imbalance (I know–it’s confusing at best to know which fats to consume-check out the chart below) may explain the rise of such diseases as asthma, coronary heart disease, many forms of cancer, autoimmunity and neurodegenerative diseases, all of which are believed to stem from inflammation in the body. The imbalance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids may also contribute to obesity, depression, dyslexia, hyperactivity and even a tendency toward violence. Bringing the fats into proper proportion may actually relieve those conditions. according to Dr. Jeff Bland, Ph.D., founder and pioneer in the field of Functional Medicine.
The Skinny on FATS – Essential Food for Your Nervous System and Brain

The Role of Cholesterol
To begin with, much of what we have been told over the last 50+ years about fats and cholesterol is inaccurate. Cholesterol is NOT the main cause of the majority of our ailments and diseases. As I mentioned above, chronic systemic inflammation is the culprit. Here are some new facts supporting this information (hold onto your seat–some of this information is shocking):
“The fundamental role of LDL in the brain is to capture life-giving cholesterol and transport it to the neuron where it performs critically important functions. . . When the cholesterol levels are low, the brain simply doesn’t work well, and individuals are at a significantly increased risk for neurological problems as a consequence.” from Grain Brain by Dr. David Perlmutter.
- Consuming FAT does not make you fat (many new studies in science/medical journals)
- A low blood cholesterol count does not reduce your risk of getting heart disease – too low cholesterol can be traced to a number of problems in the body, namely inefficient hormone production and a decline in cognitive function
- A low-carbohydrate and high-fat diet will help you loose weight and improve the condition of your brain
- Cholesterol is good and needed by the brain to stay healthy
- Cholesterol helps to scrub the arteries of plaque
- Inflammation (think . . . sugar and carbs) is the cause of heart-related ailments, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
- Sugar is bad – especially for the brain- carbs trigger an increase in blood sugar – increases in blood sugar cause inflammation
- Flour increases blood sugar – bad for your brain – causes systemic inflammation
- Many grains – (remember these are Omega 6 fatty acids) – create an increase in blood sugar – causes inflammation
- Trans-fats and Polyunsaturated vegetable oils cause inflammation
- Saturated fats are good because they are molecularly stable
- FAT makes up 66% of the brain, water makes up 20%
- If you take the brain out of a living person it melts, turning into a liquid within minutes
Oddly enough, many Europeans would agree with the information above, while many Americans will not believe it. Since 1970’s we have been given erroneous information. As you’ve probably guessed, the cause of this misinformation comes from Big-Pharma, Big-Government and Big-Business. Even the famous Framingham study produced results that were inconclusive. Nina Teicholz’s book THE BIG FAT SURPRISE covers these and other studies in great detail. The link is below.
Links to Studies/Books Supporting FATS:
- THE BIG FAT SURPRISE by Nina Teicholz
- GRAIN BRAIN by Dr. David Perlmutter
- Annals of Internal Medicine – 32 observational studies–Association of Dietary, Circulating, and Supplement Fatty Acids With Coronary Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- NY Times article Sept 2016, “How Sugar Industry Shuffled Blame to FAT”
- NY Times article Nov 2017, “Sugar Industry Down Played Potential Harms of Sugar”
- There are more and more studies and books covering the newest information on FATs coming available every day.

The Power of Good Oil – My Story
Note: Adding oils to your skin can help soothe the Central Nervous System
In 2004 I traveled from Boston to India, approximately 8,198 miles. It took 17 hours in total flying time . . . extremely hard on the body. When I arrived I slept horribly. I woke every 2 hours with my heart racing. During the day my gut was tied in knots. My best friend at that time, a knowledgeable yogi, told me to get some oil on my skin to help soothe my frayed nervous system. Following his advice, I found a reputable massage therapist in the city of Chennai that very day. She laid me out on a wooden table with a lipped-edge around the perimeter (to catch the extra oil!) and literally drenched me in sesame oil. As she rubbed the oil into every part of my body, I slid all over the table. If I had felt better it would have been comical. Can you imagine using a typical massage table? Oil would be everywhere. Anyway, that night I slept deeply, and then every night after that for the duration of my 3 week stay. Incidentally, it may have boosted my immune system as well because I never got sick while I was there and when I flew home I experienced absolutely NO jet lag.
Anxiety and Sensitivity to Crowds . . . Too Many Carbs
My spiritual path has been a long and winding one. I’ve been meditating for 27 years, traveled to India, Hawaii, Costa Rica and Sedona where I completed trainings or led retreats, all of which stressed my body’s nervous system to the max. I ran my own yoga studio, taught Kundalini yoga and meditation classes, maintained a cranio-sacral therapy practice, raised two boys, and managed a rain forest preserve project in Costa Rica. Needless to say I taxed my system.
In 2005 (before I knew Jay), I began to experience periods of vertigo, anxiety and low energy which I later found out were attributed to a lack of protein and fats in my diet. Back in 1999, I had desperately wanted to become a vegetarian so I eliminated all animal products from my diet. Unfortunately, I was not able to fuel my cells adequately because it was during that time that I began to experience some cognitive decline, my hair went gray and I could not build muscle tissue as effectively as I had in the past. After 7 years, my body began to cry for animal protein in the form of cravings. I began to love the aromas wafting from steakhouses in town. Reluctantly, I listened to my body and began to add a little meat to my diet. I felt somewhat better immediately but because I wanted to remain animal friendly I still wasn’t eating enough protein or fueling my body with much needed amino acids and fats. Within a year or two I began to experience vertigo and some anxiety. I became very sensitive to crowds and public places. My energy level was low despite the fact that I received regular bodywork/energy sessions and practiced a significant amount of yoga and meditation regularly. I suffered in this manner for another 7 years.
In 2013, one of my yoga teachers asked me if I was getting enough protein. That’s when it hit me–like a tsunami. It was if my body heard her ask that question and screamed at me. I finally realized that I was starving myself of needed protein and good fats (though I always ate butter and drank whole milk vs. low fat). It took me over a year of concentrated effort (adding protein and good Omega-3 fats where ever I could and eliminating gluten) to turn it around — including my crowd anxiety and vertigo. I have to say that my physical body has a higher muscle mass now than it did in 2013 (6 years ago). Please note that I also honed my energetic/spiritual hygiene and began practicing Marconics. (For more about Marconics click here.) I will address Spiritual Hygiene in a subsequent post.
Thank you for reading! Your radiant health matters!
Please feel free to comment or share your journey . . . I will write back. I promise!
Love and blessings,
Wendy Hutchinson · January 26, 2019 at 9:42 am
Kaye, this was such an informative article. It’s so hard to tell these days with so much information around diets what is actual truth. Thank you for sharing your knowledge around this. I have already shared your article with friends and family!
Kaye · February 4, 2019 at 5:10 pm
Thank you Wendy! I appreciate your support! Wishing you radiant health!
How to Stay Healthy and Sane During Spiritual Awakening - Kaye Michelle · February 4, 2019 at 5:35 pm
[…] FATS Can Change Your Spiritual Experience […]
How to Stay Healthy and Sane During Spiritual Awakening - Kaye Michelle · February 4, 2019 at 6:02 pm
[…] to your diet- fish oils, pure olive oil, butter, animal fats, avocado, nuts (for more info on fats click here ) The Big Fat Surprise by Nina […]
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