Souls and soul fragments often get lost. A large part of my work with clients involves calling back aspects of self and can be much like a soul search, rescue and reclamation mission.

When there is chronic pain in the physical body, significant emotional trauma, repeated surgeries or physical injuries there is always a percentage of the soul that leaves the body. I’ve encountered as much as 30%+ of the soul energy not anchored in the physical body. This shows up as someone who is completely focused on their mental processes, and a bit disassociated from self, emotions and his or her current life.

When some or all of the soul doesn’t return with the initial request, I begin asking questions to ascertain where the fragment(s) could be lost. Below is a list of theses locations.

For people working on ascension, we are calling back and reclaiming fragments from other lifetimes and timelines, as well as aspects from the 3D Old Earth split from 5D New Earth (aka the bifurcation of time). Higher soul aspects and soul family groups, aka Soul Monad aspects, can be caught up and lost in any of the locations detailed in the chart. This work often sounds like an episode of Star Trek. It needs to be understood that the complexity of our spiritual bodies, and the wonder of who we really are, is knowledge that has been kept from us for eons. The fact that we are finally able to sort through the mess and find our way is nothing short of a miracle.

The more people raise their consciousness, their mental reach becomes greater and their lightbody becomes more defined. Any fragments, where ever they may be, may become more pronounced and could show up as illness, emotional stress, inability to focus or meditate and a host of other manifesting issues.

It’s like we are putting a puzzle together. The more pieces we find and fit together, the more defined the gaps. It’s a gradual process.

The fragments cause gaps or holes in the aura and alert us to the fact they are there through  sensations – physical pain, emotional angst, loneliness, or a sense of feeling lost, or an odd sensation of being tossed around while sleeping.

Our job is to locate and connect with our lost aspects in order to merge with these areas, thereby reclaiming and reintegrating our spiritual bodies.

Why is it that so many people are experiencing these symptoms?

The position of our solar system in relationship to our Galactic center can be like the tumblers on a safe dial – suddenly windows layered through time align and allow passage. This allows us to see, feel or sense the ability to travel with our consciousness, reconnecting and reclaiming a myriad of aspects, of which fragments are only a small part.

The making of and broad popularity of movies such as Ghost Busters, Back to the Future, Contact, Star Wars, Star Trek, Riddick and other science fiction flicks signal that many of us are picking up on the accessibility and malleability of time and universal spaces. Portals, doorways, wormholes, hijacking spirits seeking power, space wars and fake stars and star-systems. Somewhere within us we relate to and resonate with the activity and cosmic shenanigans.

Much of what is happening here now is an ‘unseen’ version of Ghost Busters, let’s say, when our heroes find they are encountering an increase in paranormal activity which reaches to the level of hijacking and mayhem. I’m sure you have noticed pockets of time when it seems all heck has broken loose.

The more perceptual awareness we gain through integrative spiritual embodiment of our higher consciousness bodies, the more energetic coherence we also gain to perceive the macrocosmic picture of what is really happening on the earth. When we perceive the macrocosmic picture, it includes the war over consciousness, and then when we encounter strange energetic phenomena, we are equipped to discern more easily what is based in artificial intelligence, imposters or organic creator code. Sometimes it contains a mixture of all of it…Energetic Synthesis Language of Living Knowledge

Soul and Soul-Fragment Locations

Our universe is made up of 12 Harmonic Universes which correspond to the chakras. At any point, souls and fragments could be lost or retrieved from any of the following locations. Shamans travel to the lower levels to retrieve aspects lost, stolen or given away under duress. Read my post about Harmonic Universes.

Organic – all or part

  • Fractured Timelines – a result of nuclear/atomic explosion and scientific manipulation
  • Vertical time – dimensions 1-12 and their sub-harmonic layers
  • Galactic Wars
  • 2D, 1D – Inner Earth
  • 3D Old Earth – Through attachment and in ability to let go.
  • 4D Lower Astral
  • Hijacking – by lower vibrational frequencies and False Light
  • Other people with whom we experienced traumatic relationships

In-Organic Energy Dependent or Fallen Systems

  • Black Hole System
  • Holographic Inserts or False Holograms
  • Artificial Technology Timelines
  • Phantom Matrices
  • Reversal Networks – collect life force
  • Astral Mirrors
  • Universal Timeline Wars

* Please take the information here in a manner which serves your growth and let the rest go. Trust your own inner guidance with what applies to you and your journey.

**These locations are for informational purposes only and are based upon knowledge gathered through inner knowing and energetic experience of numerous reliable sources. Some information has been gathered from whistle blowers and other sources. For more information, I invite you to type in the keywords which interest you in the World Wide Web.

Consiousness Traps

  • Mass Consciousness programs, accepted behaviors (good and bad).
  • Overtangle – Groups, Families, Corporations belief systems and mores.
  • False Light Groups – often these groups are unaware that their light has been tapped into and redirected.
  • World Wide Web – Device and social media addictions, etc.
  • Consiousness Siphoning
  • Dark Magic Groups and Underworld Activities

These places are self explanatory in that they are places where individuals can get sucked in and derailed from living a full and well-rounded life. It goes without saying, that spending too much time or being over identified with certain groups can limit your conscious expansion. Holding a place of neutrality, discernment and awareness of self through meditation and mindfulness practices will keep you in alignment with your higher soul energies. Trust where you are guided to place your attention but be ever mindful of the effects.

How to Reclaim Your Soul Fragments

I begin this section with a caveat. If you are guided to work at this level please be sure you have a strong energetic protection practice and that you are anchored in a safe location. Make your intention very clear and always pay attention to your sensations and the energy around you as your progress.

For the most part, extreme trauma, mental fracturing and emotional instability are the causes of most soul fractures. A soul will become lost if the organic consciousness evolution pathway becomes distorted, blocked or diverted.

Soul fragments, missing soul pieces, can be in your ancestral karma or your soul monad and may not necessarily impact your everyday life until you begin to progress through the stages of ascension and spiritual awakening.

Invoking Return to Rightful Owner

It is your cosmic sovereign right under Cosmic Law to command and reclaim all aspects of yourself through all time – Claiming Sovereignty – and Freedom to live without interference and in wholeness. Know you are Infinite, in alignment with your God self mission.

If you need assistance here or know someone that does, please contact me.

My friends…Within these messages you may find statements you completely resonate with and those you may not. Please take what serves your highest and best and let the rest go. It is your vigilant discernment about what’s best for you that will propel you forward in greater grace, harmony and unity.

With infinite love and respect,

