The Unknown Journey. There is a point in life when you are faced with a daunting event and need to decide whether or not you will move forward and take up the quest. Often you refuse but the cosmos beckons you yet again with greater effort—the situation worsens, the circumstances become more dire, or someone’s health is threatened. You finally choose. Your journey begins. But you do not journey alone.

There is a benevolent force in the universe that senses the pulsation of inner courage. The minute you summon the courage and take one step to heal, to conquer a fear, to mend something broken; whether it is a relationship, a career, a social condition or a financial crisis, you have stepped onto the path. The path leads to a deeper connection to your soul. It’s as if your soul beckons you and once you choose to embark on the journey a boundless magnet is activated and you begin to be drawn, pulled, and led, to make a deeper connection with the infinite part of you—a part of you that is stronger and wiser than you can imagine.  from my book-in-progress, The Practical Heroine.

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