Falling Through Time

Dizziness. Imbalance. Low-grade nausea. All signs of seasonal flu, but for the spiritual awakening and ascension traversing souls this is, most likely, multi-dimensioal vertigo (MD). These days the ascension path is more akin to an omni-directional slide through time than a stroll through a Zen Garden.

A significant number of my clients and students are experiencing some degree of dizziness. All are clearing multidimensional layers of soul at the same time. Intense clearing is being done by those choosing to be the first wave of awakening souls.

It can look like this: One day, a sensation in the body triggers a cellular memory of a childhood illness. It triggers illogical fears of dying. Your mind can’t seem to shake the fear and the OCD compulsive thoughts that have suddenly taken over your mind. You try meditating, yoga or running. You add supplements and remove gluten. Sometimes it works for a little while and then it’s back. That disorienting feeling and some memory glitches have you questioning your sanity.

Or it can feel like this: One moment you’re cruising along a country back road on a perfect sunny day, you can see for miles and inspirational ideas are bubbling up. The very next day may feel as though you’ve plunged into the badlands, you are dizzy, your body is heating up, your mind is in a fog, and your dog threw up on your favorite wool blanket.You can’t remember all of the great ideas you had the day before and the ones you do remember now seem to lack luster.

No, you are not losing your mind or dying of cancer. You are experiencing multidimensional vertigo akin to multidimensional bends. Like the decompression symptoms divers experience when surfacing too quickly. Some people equate the feeling to a dizzy disorientation with low grade nausea and sensations of heaviness..

We are becoming Cosmic Citizens

As your consciousness reaches into higher dimensions your peripheral nervous system is building new pathways as it expands with you. Your consciousness may expand as high as dimensions 13-15, also known as Zero Point or God Worlds. But your subconscious mind could be holding open an unhealed trauma which could be anchoring a portion of your consciousness down in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd dimension or chakra.

Add to this the fact that each dimension has a different viscosity or density to the ones on either side of it. In other words, as we progress through the dimensions, healing, retrieving soul aspects and activating higher levels of light codes, our energy system may spin from counter clockwise to clockwise within a matter of a few moments.

It’s our primary objective to find our own multidimensional orientation point – our unique inner compass coordinate point (which is 360 degrees/Zero Point). If you need a Soul Search and Rescue you can read my recent update.

At any given time you could be clearing all at once — a present life issue (trauma or unresolved event), a past life, a future life, ancestral karma – familial DNA programs, and your entire soul family – monad (dimensions 7-9). Depending upon your soul lineage, you could be fighting in the Angelic wars or in other universal wars on the grid or somewhere else in the cosmos. In addition, you are calling back soul fragments from all of these places. Sheesh!  You are doing the work of your own Avatar!

So one moment you are in the non-polarized world experiencing the bliss and peace of God or Christ-level consciousness and then something in your manifested now-body causes you to shift your neutral focus to the 3rd dimension where your open-trauma-browser-window draws your attention and you crash downward. Your physical body’s inner brain-balancing mechanism – your vestibular system – becomes triggered from too much input and tips out of place, like an electrical circuit breaker. In my case, my Atlas bone (C1) – one of the main circuit-breakers for the nervous system – becomes thrown either forward, backward, left, right, clockwise or counterclockwise, depending upon the energetic stimulus with which  I’m dealing. (Below is a video by my chiropractic honey, Dr. Manning, which explains the physiological origins of cervicogenic vertigo. He adjusts my atlas on a regular basis as this area is my weak spot.)

This top-most vertebrae, C1 or Atlas, is also the location of the Thalamus Complex and the 9th chakra, also called the Mouth of God. If you are beginning to run a lot of psychic/meditative/healing energy, you will be using this gateway. The increase in, or changes in energy frequency can over-stimulate this area. Vertigo may result due to any toxins, traumas or inherited weaknesses. During spiritual awakening much is happening in this delicate area.

You are traveling back and forth from a higher vibration into density. In a sense, you are traveling through varying vibrations and frequencies or falling through time  –  in, out and through dimensional spheres. At times, your body’s Peripheral  and Central Nervous Systems can’t catch up. This can also create some cognitive dissonance and a slight sense of spacial awareness oddities.

If this resonates with you, then your current mission is to clear as many negative ego aspects and old traumas from your subconscious/lower mind, also known as the Pain Body. You’ll want to address anything with the slightest amounts of: (list taken from Lisa Renee, EnergeticSynthesis)

  • Unworthiness
  • Shame / Guilt
  • Lack of Trust / Self Doubt
  • Betrayal / Abandonment
  • Anger / Rage
  • Fear
  • Entrapment / Enslavement

It then becomes your goal to learn to gain mastery over the lower aspects of personality/self through neutral observation, self love, meditation and dedication to a high level of integrity in all of your relationships. It is a tall order for sure.

How to Overcome Spiritual Vertigo

The best way to minimize the vertigo like symptoms is to take very good care of your physical body and practice energetic hygiene by clearing negative energies and shielding your lightbody and aura. Here are a few suggestions:

  • See your chiropractor or cranio-sacral practitioner to be sure your cranial bones and cervical spine vertebrae are in alignment.
  • Grounding meditations or body scan meditations to center and stabilize your conscious energy in your body.
  • Breathing exercises to trigger relaxation – calm and centered behavior keeps negative energies from compromising your bio-field and aura.
  • Cultivate a neutral witness perspective in relationships. This keeps emotional outbursts and drama to a minimum. Anger, freaking out, and fear weaken your body, immune system, and auric field.
  • Build a strong aura across dimensions – 12 to be safe.
  • Clear negative energies by claiming your space and sovereignty.
  • Eat well – minimize sugar and white flour.
  • Exercise and work on strengthening your physical core.

My 12 D shielding technique is below. This practice is both an energy clearer, core builder and a protective practice.

Be gentle. State your intention to your path. Protect yourself from negative influences in your world and energy field. Create a healthy body…this is the vehicle doing all the work. Trust in your own inner directed guidance. Believe you have the ability. Your higher aspects would not set you on the path, only to have you fail. Allow yourself to expand into the being you envisioned you were . . . Remember those inclinations when you were a small child. . . Set your GPS, and listen as you stair step your way to your own Avatar self. The steps are outlined in my post Law of Harmonic Resonance.

My friends…Within these messages you may find statements  you completely resonate with and those you may not. Please take what serves your highest and best and let the rest go. It is your vigilant discernment that will propel you forward in greater grace, harmony and unity.

With infinite love and respect,

